To be a U.S. Army Soldier is to be a part of the strongest fighting force in the world. You’ll spend your days training, working and serving together to protect America’s freedoms. But you’ll also have time after work for family, friends and personal interests. From recruitment to retirement, the U.S. Army provides a unique and diverse lifestyle for Soldiers.

Army ROTC produces 75% of all Army officers. Founded in 1916, ROTC has produced more than one-half million lieutenants for America's Army. It remains the broadest avenue for men and women seeking to serve as officers in the Army. The Army officer is a prestigious professional who serves as a leader in the most respected institution in America.

Your soldier can enroll in Army ROTC as a college elective for up to two years with no obligation. ROTC gives you a wide range of experiences while you work toward a degree. You'll combine your time in the classroom with hands-on experience. If you choose not to make the Army your career, you will have acquired job skills that are sure to give you a definite advantage over your peers when the time comes to seek civilian employment. Whether you're planning a career in the Army or the corporate world, Army ROTC is a smart elective course to take.

As part of Army ROTC, you'll be in the company of a diverse group of individuals with broad interests who excelled in their chosen areas of interest. They may have been presidents of their student governments, captains of their varsity sports teams, club presidents, or members of the National Honor Society.

Their studies will include: Leadership Development, Military Skills, and Adventure Training. Army ROTC courses teach you how to succeed in a competitive world both in college and beyond.


UC Army ROTC identifies, recruits, develops, and commissions leaders of character for tomorrow’s globally responsive, regionally engaged Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard; and provides support, motivation, and encouragement for local Junior ROTC programs as they develop the mentorship to future leaders.


Headshot of University of Cincinnati Army ROTC

University of Cincinnati Army ROTC


Headshot of Michael Prows

Michael Prows

Scholarship & Enrollment Officer
