
ROTC offers many scholarship opportunities at the national and state level.

National Scholarships

Applications should be initiated during the first semester of your senior year of high school. These National Scholarship boards are extremely competitive. There are usually three boards held each year (Jan, Feb, and March). The selection rate for these limited scholarships is small, sometimes around 30%.

The high school Four-Year Scholarship is for high school students planning on attending a four-year college program. Contact your high school academic advisor or campus Military Science department for more information.

The application for an ROTC national scholarship is completed on-line. Your first step is to create an account. (Below the page is a PDF that explains a step by step process)

Take your first step: Create an Account

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be between the ages of 17 and 26
  • Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Meet physical standards
  • Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (Army Reserve or Army National Guard)
  • An eight-year service commitment with the Army. 
  • Serve full time in the Army for four years and four years with the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
  • Selected Cadets may choose to serve part time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career

Army ROTC scholarships also provide monthly living allowances for each school year. You can earn certain amounts depending on your level in the Army ROTC curriculum:

  • 1st year, $420 per month
  • 2nd year, $420 per month
  • 3rd year, $420 per month
  • 4th year, $420 per month

This allowance is also available to all non-scholarship Cadets enrolled in the Army ROTC Advanced Course (3rd and 4th years).

Campus Based Scholarships

Do not be discouraged if you are not initially awarded a national scholarship. There are a handful of campus based scholarships available that the ROTC department can award. These may be four year scholarships or three year advance designee scholarships. These are similarly competitive. These campus based scholarships are normally awarded to the most well deserving cadets.

Campus Based Scholarships are awarded on merit and availability. MS 1 or MS 2 cadets are nominated by the Professor of Military Science and based on the following criteria:

  • Excellent GPA: The minimum GPA to apply for a scholarship is a 2.5. However, a 3.0 or greater GPA demonstrates commitment and seriousness to the program and to the academic rigors of college life.  Your GPA is the most important factor in determining your status for scholarships and within the ROTC.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math majors (STEMs) have priority. All majors are welcome and encouraged to compete – STEM majors are in high demand and are looked at first for scholarships but the scholarships are not limited just to STEM majors.
  • Excellent physical fitness: The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) consists of two minutes of pushups, two minutes of sit-ups and a two-mile run.  The APFT is the base for physical fitness excellence in the ROTC. 
  • Demonstrates aptitude for leadership and military service: Desire to lead and to be a part of the program in the classroom, during lab, field exercises, during school and out of school are the subjective basis for awarding scholarships.  
  • Extracurricular activities/athletics: Sports and leadership positions during your college career demonstrate further the scholar, athlete, leader model of an Army officer and will weigh into awarding a campus based scholarship.
  • Availability: Scholarship money is allocated each year and varies from year to year, so apply early and stay in contact.  Let us know you are interested.

National Guard

A great way to combine the benefits of the University of Cincinnati Army ROTC and being enlisted in the National Guard is the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). This is a program that allows Army National Guard enlisted members to participate in the Army ROTC Program while completing college. Upon graduation, these SMP cadets are commissioned as Army Second Lieutenants, and can serve on Active Duty, in the Army National Guard or Army Reserves in the state of their choosing.

For Indiana and Ohio residents, the financial benefits of being an Army National Guard SMP cadet means 100% tuition is covered at STATE SCHOOLS which is covered by the Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP). You also receive over $1,200 a month (GI Bill, ROTC Stipend and your monthly drill pay).

SMP Benefits Snapshot

SMP Benefits Snapshot

  • 100% tuition for In-State residents if in the National Guard (STATE SCHOOLS)
  • Montgomery GI Bill & Kicker - nearly $700/mo (only if you completed Basic Training and AIT)
  • Drill pay as an E-5 $275+/mo
  • Annual Training $1,400+/summer
  • ROTC Stipend of $420/mo as a Sophomore, $420/mo as a Junior, $420/mo as a Senior (for each month in school)
  • Opportunities for developmental schools (Airborne, Air Assault, Mountain Warfare, etc.)
  • Hands-on training with National Guard
  • Student Loan Repayment Option
  • Commissioning Bonus Option through GRFD
  • Earn time in service while a SMP Cadet (which results in more monthly pay for each month while on active duty)
Headshot of

Green to Gold


  • Soldiers selected to participate in this program will continue to receive their current pay and allowances while in the program (up to a maximum of 24 consecutive months).
  • If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits.
  • Normal PCS entitlements


  • U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
  • Age - Be less than 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission and a college baccalaureate degree (waiverable)
  • Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Crime
  • Have a minimum of 2 years Active Duty as well as 3 months of active duty for every one month of specialized training (waiver can be requested)
  • GT score of 110 or greater
  • Pass the APFT within the last 6 months with score of 180 or higher, minimum of 60 points in each event
  • Be a High School Graduate or equivalent
  • Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5
  • Letter of Acceptance to the University of Cincinnati
  • Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of the University of Cincinnati Army ROTC Battalion
  • Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
  • DODMERB Medical Qualification
  • Be eligible to Reenlist
  • Not be a conscientious objector
  • No more than 3 dependents including spouse (waiverable)


  • A monthly stipend of up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class
  • If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits
  • Junior year: $420 per month
  • Senior year: $420 per month

**Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Option members can also participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). As SMPs, Soldiers are members of either a drilling Reserve or Guard unit and the ROTC. SMPs are entitled to Reserve Component pay of E-5 under this program.


  • Age - Under 30 years old on 30 June of the year you commission (waivers can be granted) PMS can grant waiver up to 32 years
  • For those over 32, waiver requests are forwarded to HQs, Cadet Command
  • Have a favorable recommendation from Chain of Command
  • Have Completed 2 years of College and be accepted as an Academic Junior
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale

Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty

You could earn a scholarship for either the National Guard or the Army Reserve and guarantee that you do not have to leave your community to serve as an Officer in the Army. This option allows individuals to be on scholarship, provide guaranteed service in the National Guard or Army Reserve and requires the student to participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). Scholarship money can be used for either Room and Board or Tuition and Fees.

If Scholarship money is used towards Room and Board, Federal (and possibly State) Tuition Assistance can be used in conjunction with Scholarship money to pay for tuition. Room and Board amounts are taxable monies paid directly to the Cadet and is determined by an average or aggregate of the area. If Scholarship money is used for Tuition and Fees, then Federal/State Tuition Assistance cannot be used for Room and Board.

This program consists of a 3-year, 3-year advance designee, 2 ½-year, or 2-year undergraduate degree scholarships and a 2-year graduate degree scholarships. Applicants must be members of the Army National Guard (ARNG) or be willing to join the ARNG as an SMP participant. Individuals selected for the GRFD Dedicated ARNG Scholarship must serve their eight-year military service obligation in the ARNG in an active drilling capacity (one weekend a month and a two-week annual training period each year) except for period(s) of active duty required to obtain branch qualification (i.e. Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)) or related to mobilization.

This program consists of 2-year undergraduate or 2-year graduate degree scholarships. Applicants must be members of the ARNG or be willing to join the ARNG as an SMP participant. Individuals selected for a GRFD-ARNG Scholarship must serve their eight-year military service obligation in either the ARNG or USAR (one weekend a month and a two-week annual training period each year) except for period(s) of active duty required to obtain branch qualification (i.e. BOLC) or related to mobilization.

This program consists of a 3-year, 3-year advance designee, 2 ½-year, or 2-year undergraduate degree scholarships and a 2-year graduate degree scholarships. Applicants must be members of the United States Army Reserve (USAR) or be willing to join the USAR as an SMP participant.

Individuals selected for the GRFD Dedicated USAR Scholarship must serve their eight-year military service obligation in the USAR in an active drilling capacity (one weekend a month and a two-week annual training period each year) except for period(s) of active duty required to obtain branch qualification (i.e. Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)) or related to mobilization.

This program consists of 2-year undergraduate or 2-year graduate degree scholarships. Applicants must be members of the USAR or be willing to join the USAR as an SMP participant.

Individuals selected for a GRFD-USAR Scholarship must serve their eight-year military service obligation in either the USAR or ARNG in an active drilling capacity (one weekend a month and a two-week annual training period each year) except for period(s) of active duty required to obtain branch qualification (i.e. BOLC) or related to mobilization.