Satellite Spring 25Hours:
CECH: Monday 9-12, Tuesday 9-3, Wednesday 9-3, Thursday 9-1, Friday 12-3
Allied Health: Monday 9-12pm, Tuesday 10-12pm, Wednesady 9-12pm, Thursday 10-12pm, Friday closed.
Satellite Markets
The Bearcats Pantry and Resource Center has established two satellie markets to make accessing free, critical resources a bit easier for students. Each location operates differently so please read the details for each location carefully. It is highly recommended to bring your own reusable bag.
CECH Market
The College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology has a Bearcats Pantry and Resource Center Satellite location available to all UC students.
- Location: Student Services Center: 360 Teachers-Dyer Complex
- Items offered: Food and limited clothing
- Process: Check in with a staff member at the front desk, fill out a quick form, then they will take you back to the market space.
- Donate:
- Drop off donated items directly in the space. Most need items:
- Food: Instant noodle bowls, pho bowls, instant chickpea bowl, microwavable tikka masala, biriyanai microwavable meal, rice, pasta, long-life milk, cereal.
- Professional clothing.
- Hygiene products: Menstural products, toothpaste, individually-wrapped toilet paper, soap, deodorant.
- School supplies: Notebooks, pens, pencils
- Donate financially to the CECH location fund here.
- Drop off donated items directly in the space. Most need items:
Allied Health Market
The College of Allied Health Sciences has a Bearcats Pantry and Resource Center Satellite location available to all UC students, especially those on the medical side of campus.
- Location: First floor of the Health Sciences Building, in the back left corner near the vending machines.
- Items offered: Shelf-stable food items.
- Process: Visit during staffed hours. Staff will have you fill out a quick form then take whatever items you need.
- Donate:
- Food items can be donated during staffed hours. Contact the Bearcats Pantry and Resource Center to arrange donation drop offs outside of those hours.