Trainer Tips

Check out the tips below to get ensure you are using correct form when trying these exercises.

Equipment Tutorial

Tricep Extensions

  • Keep your elbows in like earmuffs
  • Lift your arms straight up and hinge at your elbows
  • You can use a split stance to protect your lower back


  • Place the bar in the meaty part of your upper back and shoulders – off of your neck! Keep your heels in line with the bar when setting up
  • Take two big steps away from the bar
  • Push your hips back first! Drive the knees out and push back up through the heels
  • Remember to breathe! – Exhale on the return to stand


  • Keep your hands shoulder width apart, elbows lined up under the shoulders
  • Keep your body in a straight line: your core tight and butt down
  • Equal pressure through the hands into the floor and heels drive back to flex the quads
  • Hold - hold - hold!

Chest Press

  • Have good posture while lying down to set yourself up for good posture for your chest press
  • Keep the natural curvature of your back on bench
  • Always ensure you have clips to keep your weights from falling off the bar
  • Plant your feet into the floor
  • Keep the bar in the middle of your chest/sternum while pressing and place back on the rack
  • Remember to breathe! – Exhale on the return to starting position
  • Remember to re-rack your weights when you are done!

Bicep Curls

  • Don't rock the boat!
  • Keep your elbows tight to your body and move your arms steadily up and down during the curl
  • To keep your body steady, you can try seated curls on a bench or have your back straight up against a wall

Pull Up v. Chin Up

  • Chin Up: Hands will be closer together and facing you, use more of biceps
  • Pull Up: Arms are wider, hands facing out, utilize lats
  • With both, keep a nice slow contraction while completing the movement both up and down to get the best results


  • Keep the bar in the middle of your foot
  • Do a hair flip and push hips back
  • Keep your shoulders and lats locked down
  • Keep everything contracted while completing the entire movement of driving pressure down through the legs to return to standing


  • Plant with your front foot, keep your chest lifted and core strong
  • Move your body down like an elevator (straight down and back up) and not like an escalator (front to back)
  • Make sure your front knee doesn't go past your front toe
  • Plant with your front foot, keep your chest lifted and core strong
  • Move your body down like an elevator (straight down and back up) and not like an escalator (front to back)
  • Make sure your front knee doesn't go past your front toe