Get Support

The services you receive at CAPS can take a number of forms. The decision about which type of service may be appropriate is based on many factors, including your current concerns and needs, your counseling history, scheduling considerations, and availability of resources. Our goal in this process is to find the best way to attend to your concerns in the most effective and efficient way.

Our initial consultation appointment is our first point of contact and is free. At this session, we will discuss the nature of your concerns and work together on next steps. CAPS provides solution-focused counseling services and many of your concerns can be addressed within this brief model.  You may be connected with other CAPS services or referred to a community partner or external therapist. 

If you are returning to CAPS, you will also schedule a new initial consultation to resume services or get support/connection.

Types of Services

Get Immediate Support

Crisis intervention services provide immediate access and support to students in need due to acute mental health crises. Some situations require immediate attention. If a student's behavior is highly disruptive, creates a risk for others' safety, appears very disorganized or out of control, or if the student expresses an intent of self-harm or suicide, seek immediate assistance by calling CAPS (513-556-0648) and asking for the therapist on-call for emergencies, or call Public Safety at 911.

Meet with a Counselor

Our counselors are here to help you and are experienced working with students across a range of concerns. We will meet with you and collaborate in developing strategies and resources that best meet your individual needs. Get to know our staff and learn more about each of our approaches to working with students.  

Explore Self-Help Resources

Self-Help resources further extend our within the community and make support more accessible for all of the UC community.

Meet with Peers

Connecting with peers provides an innovative way to supporting the community by promoting opportunities for student engagement, connection, and reducing barriers to mental health resources. Some of our peer engagement includes peer to peer initiatives including Bearcats Support Network (BSN) and Sky@UC.

Join Group Therapy

Group Based Services provide group-based counseling treatment services to UC students that address a variety of topics ranging from anxiety, depression, mindfulness to social justice. Group therapy is often a treatment of choice for many students’ concerns. By engaging in group therapy, students can expect improved overall well-being and connection with others.

Common Questions

If you have additional questions about our services, please call 513-556-0648.

Our address is 225 Calhoun St., Suite 200. On the left hand side of Calhoun, you will see the U-Square East Garage Parking Lot. This is the closest parking lot to our center. There is also metered parking on Calhoun. 

We are located directly across the street from "Currito Burritos" restaurant. Our entrance is located between retail stores. Our entrance is labeled: University of Cincinnati, Centers & Classrooms at U-square. 

The outside door is locked, so you will need to use the intercom system to the left of the door to ring us, and then we will buzz you in. To use the intercom system, type "20" and hit the "call" button (the button with the green bell shape above it)

We are located on the second floor; you may choose to take either the stairs or the elevator. Either way, when you get to the second floor, turn RIGHT and go directly to our office suite. We are the only suite in this direction and our doors are clearly marked "Counseling and Psychological Services."

 We do not validate parking. 

CAPS does charge a fee for some services. The initial consultation and first three individual sessions are at no cost to students. There will be a $35 fee for most individual therapy sessions after the third individual appointment in a fiscal year. There is no charge for group therapy. No student will be denied individual therapy services due to financial barriers. 
Fee waivers cannot be applied toward assessment services costs. 

See below regarding more information on fee waivers for individual therapy services. 

Select the "Pay Fees Here" button below to pay your balance.

Fee Waivers

If you have questions or concerns about fees, please speak to your initial consultation therapist or ongoing treatment provider about a fee waiver. Fee waivers cannot be applied toward assessment services costs. 

Note: CAPS waives the clinical fees for the following students:

  1. Students with a Medicare, Medicaid or Student Health insurance plan
  2. Students who are Veterans
  3. Students who are Pell or Cincinnati Pride Grant Recipients
  4. Students who have experienced a identity/power based stress or trauma.

* Students who service fees are waived, will still be required to pay the $25.00 fee if missed session was not called into CAPS within the 24 hours.

Fees For Services



Total Charge

Co-pay if using UC Student Health Insurance

Initial Consultation

(in-person and virtual)

1 hr

No Charge

No Charge

Same Day Single Session

(in-person and virtual)

30 min No Charge No Charge

Individual Therapy

(in-person and virtual)

1 hr

3 free sessions

There will be a $35 after the third individual appointment in a fiscal year.

No Charge

Group Screening

30 min

No Charge

No Charge

Group Therapy

1.5 hrs

No Charge

No Charge

Case Management

(in-person and virtual)


No Charge

No Charge

Crisis Services

(in-person and virtual)

Varies No Charge No Charge

Alcohol and Other Drug Change and Recovery Services - Mandated Assessments


$150 Tier 3

$150 Tier 3

Learning Disorder/ADHD/ASD Psychological Testing (*)


$100-500 per comprehensive assessment

No Charge

Missed Session Fee   $25 $25

CAPS adheres to state, federal, and professional standards in the provision of mental health services. 

Notice Regarding Confidentiality of Treatment Records, Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The privacy of your treatment information is important to all of us at University of Cincinnati (UC) Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Division of Student Affairs. This Notice will tell you about the way we protect that privacy by complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

What is FERPA?

FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of students’ “education records.” The University of Cincinnati follows FERPA regulations because it receives funds that are administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Under FERPA, “Education Records” are very broadly defined as records that are directly related to a student and are kept by an educational agency or institution, or someone acting for the agency or institution.

How does FERPA apply to my records at CAPS?

Under FERPA, the records maintained by CAPS are “Treatment Records”. “Treatment records” are records regarding a student aged eighteen (18) or older who is attending a post-secondary institution and which are made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or other recognized professional and which are made, maintained, or used only in connection with the provision of treatment to the student and are not available to other third parties.

How does CAPS use my Treatment Records?

CAPS uses your Treatment Records to provide you with healthcare services. We may disclose your records to other healthcare providers who are also providing you with treatment. In general, we will ask you to sign a written consent form before we provide your information to another healthcare provider for treatment. If there is an emergency situation, however, we may provide this information to other providers for your treatment without having you sign a written consent. At your request, we will also provide your Treatment Records to a physician or other appropriate professional for review.

Can my CAPS treatment records be shared with people other than healthcare providers without my consent?

In general, we will ask you to sign a written consent before we disclose your CAPS records to anyone for a purpose other than treatment. In the following circumstances, as permitted by FERPA regulations and Ohio State laws, we may disclose your CAPS records without your written consent: (a) to comply with a written subpoena; (b) to comply with a court order; (c) in connection with a health or safety emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of you or other persons; (d) if we know or suspect child abuse or neglect; (e) reasonable cause to believe that an adult is abused who is unable to provide for his or her own care; (f) if you are a member of the military as required by armed forces services; (h) if necessary for national security or intelligence activities; (i) if you file a lawsuit against CAPS and/or UC; and (j) to coroners and/or funeral directors consistent with the law.

Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Records

Federal Law and Ohio State Law protect the confidentiality of alcohol and drug program records maintained by UC CAPS. Treatment information on your alcohol or drug use may not be disclosed without (a) your written authorization; (b) a court order, or (c) unless the disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency or to qualified personnel for research, audit or program evaluation. 

Confidentiality of an HIV test or diagnosis of AIDS or AIDS-related condition

Ohio law requires that we have your authorization or a court order before disclosing the results of an HIV test or diagnosis of AIDS or AIDS-related condition.

What are my client rights?

We encourage you to ask questions about your therapist’s qualifications, your treatment, the therapy process, fees and method of payment, or any other issues. Right to request an amendment – You have the right to request that your records which you believe to be inaccurate or misleading. All requests must be made in writing and signed by you or your legal representative.

Right to Request Records – We may provide you with copies of the records or arrange for a healthcare provider to be with you when you review them in order to explain the records and/or answer your questions.

Right to Request Restrictions – You have the right to request restrictions of use or disclosure of treatment information even for treatment, payment or operations; disclosure to persons involved in your health care or payment for health care; or disclosure to notify family members or others about your general condition, location, or death. However, CAPS are not required to agree to a restriction you request.

Right to Received Confidential Communications by Alternative Means and at Alternative Locations – You have the right to request and receive confidential communications of treatment information by alternative means and at alternative locations (For example, you may not want a family member to know that you are a client here). Upon request, we will send any communications to an alternate address.

Right to an Accounting – You have right to have accounting of the disclosures of your treatment information upon request.

Right to Inspect and Copy – You have the right to inspect and/or obtain a copy of your treatment information. All requests must be made in writing and signed by you or your legal representative.

Right to a copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices – You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice of its privacy practices at your first service from us upon request, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically.

Where may I direct any other questions I may have about the privacy protections for my UC CAPS records?

University Rules 10.43.11 and 10.43.13 establish University of Cincinnati procedures for FERPA compliance. You may contact the UC Director of Privacy at (513) 558-2733. 

UC Counseling and Psychological Services occasionally receives requests from students/clients to provide documentation regarding their services and/or recommendations. Any release of medical records or material regarding counseling services requires a completed and signed release of information. The release of information can be found below. 

Letter Writing Policy

If you require a letter for any reason from CAPS, please note the following:

  • Letters will be provided only in the event that a therapeutic relationship has been established with a CAPS therapist.
  • All requests must be made well in advance of the deadline. CAPS clinicians will complete requests within a reasonable timeframe.
  • All requests require a completed release of information form before a letter will be given, even if a client is requesting a letter to themselves.
  • We will take reasonable steps in advocating for students as they seek accommodations.

We do not provide any letters that "prescribe" or "require" specific accommodations as a treatment for a mental health diagnosis (i.e., Emotional Support Animal Letters) or accommodation for a psychological disability. Students interested in receiving these types of letters will be provided with referrals to other practitioners in the community who provide this form of treatment.

Occasionally, CAPS may provide supportive letters to clients with whom we have an ongoing therapeutic relationship. These letters may "recommend" certain accommodations for diagnosed mental health disorders, especially in situations where CAPS services included psychological assessment. Please note that these letters are not written in a manner that states these accommodations are a necessary treatment for a disorder or psychological disability, and the third party makes the final determination as to whether the request for accommodation is reasonable and/or appropriate. Often, recommendations take the form of requesting flexibility for the student in meeting their academic demands and involves communication with Student Accessibility Services, Dean of Students, or professors.

Please speak with your CAPS counselor if you have any questions about letters from CAPS.

***If you need attendance verification of your appointment(s), CAPS staff members will provide this for you.