10/20 Hour Training Placements

Please see information below for a full description of the training experience. 

Reach out to us!

If you have any questions regarding the 10/20 Hour Training Placements for counseling and social work students, please call (513) 556-0648 or email Amy Blankenship, LPCC-S, TRCC, Practicum and Internship Coordinator.

For information around Doctoral practicum and assessment students, please call (513) 556-0648 or email Kea Brown, Psy.D, Assistant Director of Training.

Practicum Training Handbook

Training Program

The training program at University of Cincinnati Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) involves becoming a part of our energetic and collaborative team of mental health professionals and providing therapeutic support to our student body. Our clinical training program provides an opportunity for individuals to learn therapeutic skills and grow in their role as mental health professionals. Trainees will be involved in many aspects of our services, including providing individual and group counseling, outreach, and building relationships with campus partners. CAPS values its trainees, welcoming them as fully functioning members of our team who enrich our center with their strengths, knowledge, and experiences.         

Mission and Values of the Counseling Center

The mission of UC CAPS is to achieve excellence through a community-based, integrated care approach to psychological services and training that creates an optimal healthy environment for students to grow.  We focus on psychological, relational, and intellectual growth, as well as students’ ability to achieve wellness and academic success. CAPS encourages students to engage in relationships and experiences that add to their positive growth and promote contributions to our campus and community. We seek to support holistic well-being through psycho-education, community outreach & consultation, and direct clinical services. UC CAPS is committed to personal growth, human development, and promoting understanding and respect for differences.

CAPS strives to be a system that encourages emotional, psychological, and relational health, and builds a responsible and compassionate community that supports the holistic development and academic success of students.  As such, we have identified the following values of our center:

1.         Organized Teamwork: We rely on teamwork and collaboration which values different ideas, actively engaged communication and organized action between CAPS staff, the UC community and most importantly students

2.         Care and respect in all our relationships: we value all experiences, and respect and value all individuals, groups and ideas with compassion and care. We value openness, honesty, and genuine care and concern for each other

3.         Student-centered: We meet students where they are and respond to their needs with open communication and respect. We encourage autonomy and informed choice

4.        Community & Belonging: We contribute to a welcoming campus that values student belonging in programming, service provision, recruitment, curriculum involvement, and advocacy

5.         High Quality Accessible Services: dedicated to reducing stigma and barriers to create high quality accessible services

6.         Data-informed: we encourage innovation, creativity, and quality services that are always informed by data, research, and best practice

7.         Contemplative Practice: We value presence in our work and a focus on joy, mindfulness and meaningful interaction

8.         Graduate Training: CAPS is focused on contributing to quality, multi-disciplinary graduate training focused on integrative practice and inter-professional education

CAPS is compliant with FERPA and the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) regarding our approach to confidential information.  All trainees will receive training on FERPA at the start of their internship, and are expected to comply with the provided guidelines for handling confidential and private information.  In addition to FERPA and ORC regulations, we request that individuals in training do not share any passwords that they may have for their computes, emails, trainings, etc., as a way to promote confidential handling of confidential and sensitive information.  

Our Center

CAPS services take place at 225 Calhoun St, Suite 200, Cincinnati, OH, 45219.  We are a large university counseling center with multiple offices, two group rooms, and a meditation roomWe also have counseling spaces embedded in the varying colleges, including our regional campuses. CAPS is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of staff clinicians that come from psychology, clinical counseling, and social work backgrounds.  We have a support staff team and an office manager who help us with administrative tasks and facilitate insurance and check-in duties, managing insurance, and financial matters. 

Trainees share a group office, the Trainee Suite, complete with a computer, a desk, telephone, and office materials. They also use our training rooms to conduct individual therapy sessions or assessments.  Trainees use UC CAPS computers to record their sessions, and every computer is equipped with a camera to record counseling sessions.  Recordings are saved to an encrypted file within our network, accessible only to trainees, their supervisors, the training director, the associate director, and executive director of UC CAPS.

Trainees have two office mailboxes, one for regular correspondence and one for confidential information. The UC CAPS mailroom also has a printer and a fax machine available for trainees to use. UC CAPS also has a refrigerator in the file room off of the mailroom, and trainees have access to both that refrigerator as well as the refrigerator and microwave in the central break room.  The UC CAPS file room has one large storage room for basic office supplies; the trainees have access to these materials.  If trainees need supplies that are not in inventory, they can place a special-order request with the Program Manager. 

CAPS has purchased several books and videos for training purposes.  They are kept in the Trainee Suite which houses offices for practicum students, and part-time counseling and social work interns.  Any trainees or UC CAPS staff may borrow these books at any time.  Trainees also have access to all the resources available to anyone who works at the University of Cincinnati, most notably, library resources and access to the extensive online journal database.

The clinical training program has its foundation in a generalist, practitioner-scholar model, which is a refinement of the traditional scientist-practitioner model and incorporates a developmental learning model. The primary mission of CAPS is direct service to the University of Cincinnati community. The training program is designed to maximize quality service to that community and provide a challenging and supportive learning environment for trainees. Our developmental, practitioner-scholar model views learning as cumulative and sequential with an emphasis on providing a level of support for each trainee based on his/her/their individual learning needs and style. We assist our trainees with the advancement of their clinical skills and professional role by offering supportive collaboration, consultation, and modeling with our senior staff clinicians.

As a result of th Covid-19 pandemic, some therapy services can be provided via telemental health at CAPS during the training year. The exceptions to this are when CAPS received an emergency client who walks into the center or the client requests to be seen in person. CAPS will take into account trainee development and skills, Ohio guidelines, guidelines from the University of Cincinnati, when making decisions about any changes to our programs or Covid-related policies. 

Overview of Direct Services and Training Activities

The interdisciplinary staff at CAPS provides trainees the opportunity to work with mental health and wellness professionals from a wide array of theoretical backgrounds and professional interests. CAPS uses a stepped care model of treatment that presents client with a variety of therapeutic support options to meet the level of their needs. This model includes, but is not limited to, access to meditation room, participation in group therapy, and short-term individual therapy. We offer trainees opportunities to participate in all of these modalities of treatment. In addition to providing therapeutic interventions, trainees are sometimes involved in professional activities and programs in the university community via outreach and liaison relationships.

RACs are intended to be a brief assessment of client risk factors as well as a short-term problem solving session in which CAPS clinicians work with clients to clarify presenting concerns and provide brief interventions.  Trainees begin observing RACs during their first weeks post-orientation, and have the opportunity to both see how other staff members conduct these appointments, as well as be observed by staff members when they conduct their first RACs.  After completing their observation period, trainees will conduct up to 4 RACs per week.  

In cases where therapists need diagnostic clarification or more thorough history, trainees may provide thorough intakes/initial assessments prior to the start of therapy.  Trainees are provided with the opportunity to consult with a staff member on how to conduct the intake and appropriately document. Trainees always have senior staff members available to them for consultation during these initial assessment appointments (as well as all other appointments).

CAPS follows a brief-therapy model of treatment. With consultation from their supervisors, trainees will have the opportunity to refine their initial assessment skills, their clinical decision making about a client’s appropriateness for our center, and their individual therapy skills.  All individual therapy is videotaped as part of the training program.

Typically, groups run during Fall and Spring semesters, and some groups run during the summer semester as well. Occasionally, trainees may co-facilitate groups with other senior staff members.  For a listing of groups, please use the following link:  Meet with a Counselor | University of Cincinnati (uc.edu).  All group therapy is videotaped as part of the training program.  

Trainees may conduct some outreach presentations to the greater UC community as part of their training program. Common outreach topics have included overview of CAPS services, stress management or identifying students in distress. Outreach may also include collaborating with campus partners to facilitate an event, such as Stress Less Fest.  We ask trainees to participate in our all-staff outreaches, providing that the events fit within their scheduled practicum hours.  These events occur rarely, and are usually at the beginning or end of semesters.  Assessment practicum students are welcome, but not required to attend outreach events, due to their limited time and focus on assessment.

A key element to training at CAPS is the supervisory process.  Our staff regards supervision as a vital component in becoming a competent professional.  The Training Team makes supervisory assignments. Trainees and their supervisors set specific learning goals that assist in monitoring progress.  A Supervision Plan/Written Agreement includes individualized goals and is developed by the trainee and supervisor at the beginning of each supervisory rotation.

The licensed supervisor for your clinical cases is professionally and legally responsible for client welfare. Thus, it is important that you are in regular communication with your supervisor about events occurring in a case.  Supervision time is reserved each week and is regulated by the state licensing acts; you are required to have 1 hour of supervision for every 20 hours you are on-site.  There may also be situations when you need to meet with your supervisor outside of your weekly meeting.  Please check with your supervisor to discuss how to reach each other for these purposes.  During supervision, videotapes are routinely used to view the therapy process, discuss interventions, and provide feedback.  Supervision modalities vary depending on the style and orientation of the staff.  Trainees are expected to be open to new ideas and new clinical behavior, all part of the learning process.  Supervision will also include reflection on your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions related to your clients. Supervision can be a time to process your therapeutic relationships and also the supervisory relationship.

Individual supervision includes one hour with your individual supervisor for every 20 hours of direct clinical service provided, and group supervision includes 0.5-1 hours per week with the group supervisor of group therapy if they co-facilitate a therapy group.  In most cases, your supervisor of group therapy is also your group therapy co-facilitator.

Although you have assigned supervisors for cases, we encourage you to interact with other supervisors and staff.  Working in a multidisciplinary center offers many benefits in your professional development.  We hope you use your time to learn how each discipline contributes to the important functions of our growing center.

Lastly, as a training program many of the training experiences for our trainees’ overlap.  Know that a Psychology Intern will become your individual supervisor at some point throughout the training year. This is usually for a small period (up to 3 months); however, you will continue receiving individual supervision from a licensed clinician within your field. 

Listed below are the time allocations for each activity during an average 20-hour workweek. There may be some slight differences per discipline/trainee program requirements.

RACs                                                                                                  2-3 hours 

Therapy                                                                                             8 hours

Group Therapy                                                                                 1.5 hours
Fall or Spring semester, as needed)

Outreach                                                                                           < 1hour

Staff Mtg                                                                                            1 hour

Clinical Team Mtg                                                                              1 hour
   (1 hr of group supervision)

Clinical Supervision                                                                            2-4 hours
(indiv= 1; clinical team= 1, group therapy=.5 group therapy, indiv with intern=, 1 see above)

Documentation & Clinical Prep                                                         5.5 hours

TOTAL                                                                                               ~ 20 HOURS

Assessment practicum students will learn the holistic process of assessment, including providing thorough, culturally and contextually sensitive interviews, choosing appropriate assessment instruments, assessing clients, interpreting assessments, and then writing comprehensive reports and sharing findings with clients in therapeutic ways.  As part of the assessment practicum program, these students will attend a biweekly assessment seminar with psychological interns who are also honing assessment skills, as well as a biweekly supervision with the assessment coordinator.  Assessment practicum students will have access to all assessment materials in the assessment office, and will work closely with the assessment coordinator to complete all assessment-related duties.

Weekly Time Allocation for Assessment Practicum:

Assessment administration/Face to Face client contact                  4-5 hours

Supervision                                                                                          1 hour

Group supervision                                                                               1 hr every other wk

Assessment Seminar didactic training                                               1 hr every other wk

Documentation, report writing, scoring assessments                       3 hours

TOTAL:                                                                                                  ~ 10 HOURS

Although most of their time is spent in clinical duties, trainees may participate in some training seminars to aid in the honing of their skills and knowledge.  These occur sporadically, and are generally center-wide trainings that trainees are welcome to attend.

One of the most stressful situations therapists face is dealing with an emergency. Psychologists, social workers, counselors, and other mental health professionals are trained to handle a variety of problems, and emergencies invariably occur. Both client and therapist may experience intense emotions. Trainees should always err on the side of caution when it comes to client welfare involving a risk of harm to self or others. This can include significant impairment in daily functioning, risk of suicide, dangerousness to others, and child abuse or neglect. Based on the information gathered, decisions have to be made while considering ethical and legal standards. Responding to these situations must be thorough, timely, and consistent with professional standards. Clinical judgment is involved in high-risk situations so it is imperative that your supervisor, and the Associate Director or Executive Director if needed, is informed of the matter immediately. Clients at heightened risk (for example, with active suicidal ideation) should not leave the center until you have conferred with your supervisor or another licensed staff member. If your supervisor is not available, the Care Manager, Associate Director or Executive Director, or other licensed staff should be consulted. They may direct your activities or decide to join you with the client for first-hand contact. Meeting with parents, working with other campus offices, and hospitalizing voluntarily or involuntarily may be considered. Close supervision is provided for the greatest measure of safety for the client and trainee. Careful documentation is important and, in the case of high risk, must be completed before you leave the center that day.

The staff and trainees at CAPS abide by the ethical codes, established professional standards, and legal regulations of their professions.  Copies of the ACA Ethical Code provided in the Appendices of this handbook.  Information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is also available on the CAPS shared drive. You are encouraged to keep yourself updated with any recent revisions or additions to the ethical codes and guidelines of your field and to discuss issues related to these documents with your supervisor, Training Director, the Associate Director, or Executive Director, and in seminars. We recommend that you seek the input of experienced and licensed professionals at CAPS if you have questions or concerns about ethics or legalities.  When any clinicians at the center need consultation in these areas, they should discuss the matter with the Associate or Executive Director.

In addition to following ethical and legal requirements, it is important that we conduct ourselves in a professional manner that gives students and others in the university community confidence in our services and us.  Consultations and other communications with students, faculty, staff, and parents are common in a university counseling center setting and are acceptable with adequate written permission.  Professional behavior includes, but is not limited to, appropriate office attire, punctuality to all appointments/meetings, calling ahead when late or out due to illness or emergency, initiating contact and an apology when you miss an appointment/meeting, responding to phone calls and e-mails promptly (for clinically-related calls, before leaving for the day), and being considerate toward all CAPS staff.  Such consideration includes keeping the break room and the CAPS refrigerator neat and clean. The copy machine is for center-related business only.  Use of email, internet, and phone for personal concerns should be limited; since the computers are university property, your confidentiality is not guaranteed.  It is a professional standard that you discuss any concerns about CAPS directly with your supervisor, Training Director, Associate Director, or the Executive Director. 

When students and university staff enter CAPS, they form an initial impression. We want to maintain a courteous and professional manner in all of our interactions.  The administrative staff greets people as they come in and assists them with their needs.  They are also busy with telephone calls and doing their own work.  Thus, it is important to keep social conversations at a minimum.  Please be mindful of hallway conversations as voices tend to carry.  The staff at CAPS have an open door policy.  You are welcome to stop by individuals’ offices when you need to consult or discuss a particular issue.  Whenever you discuss client issues, keep the office door shut to protect confidentiality.

Social Justice Meetings: Our Social Justice meeting occurs monthly.  The meetings are intended to provide a safe space where CAPS members can personally and professionally grow in cultural humility, as well as share information about current events and social justice related topics that affect our students, our larger communities, and us.  All CAPS members, including all trainees are welcome to join these meetings. 

Clinical Team Meetings: Clinical team meetings occur weekly.  The content of these meetings includes presentation and discussion of complex, challenging, or high-risk cases that CAPS clinicians (including trainees) have encountered.  In these meetings, trainees and staff members consult with each other and give feedback to each other.  The entire clinical staff is assigned to small groups to facilitate discussion.  Assessment practicum students are not expected to attend these meetings, because they are primarily therapy-oriented.

The CAPS training program lasts for the duration of the academic year.  CAPS serves many local students, and, therefore, is open whenever the university is open,  You are welcome to provide clinical services outside of your academic semester, with the permission of your program.

CAPS hours of operation are M- F, 8:00am-5:00pm and T/W, 10:00am-7:00pm.  Most senior staff members work one late day on Tuesday or Wednesday, when they start at 10 work until 7; however, trainees generally work between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. 

Payment, Vacation Policy, Leave, and Holidays

Trainees earn $16/hr for their work at CAPS.  You  must clock in and clock out in order to accurately track the hours that you work.  

You need to request vacation time in advance by sending your supervisor and the Training Director an e-mail listing the particular dates for approval. Once approved, you are responsible for marking yourself out in Titanium and for managing your client schedule, so that clinical needs of clients can be covered in your absence.

If you are ill, you are encouraged to call off.   In the event that you are out of the office due to an unplanned need, such as illness or an emergency, it is your responsibility to inform your supervisor, as well as call and leave a message for the administrative staff (513-556-0648) before 8:00 am to inform them of your absence and ask that they inform your clients, and anyone with whom you had a meeting that day.  The administrative staff will cancel your appointments for the day, so please be sure to keep your client contact information and other appointments updated regularly in Titanium.  Please be sure when you contact the administrative staff that you inform them of any higher risk clients on your schedule that day so that they can offer services with the Care Management Team, if needed.  

You are required to take all official University holidays.  

It is your responsibility to ensure that by the end of your training with CAPS, you have met the minimum requirement set by the Ohio CSWMFT Board for Licensure and/or your Doctoral Psychology Program.

Evaluation and Trainee Rights

Trainees have the right to expect a fair and regularly scheduled evaluation process.  Trainees are evaluated throughout the entire training year and will receive formal, written evaluations twice per year. Additionally, you will receive informal, verbal feedback from all staff and your supervisor throughout the year. Trainees are expected to provide a written evaluation of their supervisor twice per year.

CAPS staff are expected to interact with trainees with the upmost respect and professionalism and, in turn, trainees are asked to treat CAPS staff in that same manner. However, if concerns about a trainee’s clinical performance or interpersonal interactions arise or if trainee raise concerns about interactions with CAPS staff, CAPS has developed formal steps regarding Due Process and Grievance Procedures to attempt to resolve these concerns.  See those below.  

Due Process Procedures

Due process protects the rights of both trainees and the UC CAPS training program, while also carrying responsibilities for both.  Due Process procedures are not intended to punish trainees; these procedures are intended to support trainees and the UC CAPS training program by giving guidelines and assistance on how to remediate concerns that arise.  

Trainees have the right to:

1.     Be treated in ethical, respectful, and professional ways.
2.     Receive constructive and timely feedback about their performance.
3.     Address concerns prior to, during, and after the formal evaluation period.
4.     Be given every reasonable opportunity to remediate problems. 
5.     Participate in Due Process procedures.
6.     Appeal decisions that the trainee disagrees with, within the limits of this policy.
7.     Enlist the support of the Ombuds office at any point in time during due process, appeal, or grievance procedures.
8.     As UC’s employees, you are entitled to a workplace free from Title IX violations.  That includes a workplace free from discrimination on the basis of your actual or perceived sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, as well as free from sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. 

Trainees have the responsibility to:

1.     Engage with UC CAPS in a way that is ethical, respectful, and professional.
2.     To be alert to personal problems that may interfere with professional functioning.
3.     Make every reasonable attempt to remediate concerns regarding their behavior and competency.
4.     Endeavor to meet the aims and objectives of the training program.
5.     Create and contribute to a workplace that is free from Title IX violations.  That includes a workplace free from discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, as well as free from sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. 

UC CAPS training program has the right to:

1.     Be treated in ethical, respectful, and professional ways.
2.     Implement Due Process procedures in the manner ascribed below.
3.     Make decisions related to remediation for a trainee, including probation, suspension, and termination, within the limits of this policy. 

UC CAPS training program has the responsibility to:

1.     Treat all trainees in ethical, respectful, and professional ways.
2.     Uphold the integrity of the training program and its commitment to providing quality training to trainees by requiring standards of practice and behavior that meet competency benchmarks.
3.     Make every reasonable attempt to support trainees in remediating behavioral and competency concerns.
4.     Support trainees to the extent possible in successfully completing the UC CAPS training program. 

When a trainee’s progress is considered “unsatisfactory”, it typically falls into one or both of two areas.
        1.     Trainee problem behavior
        2.     Skill deficiency

Definition of Problem Behavior
Behaviors are identified as problem behaviors if they include one or more of the following characteristics:

1.     The trainee does not acknowledge, understand, or address the problem when it is identified.
2.     The problem is not merely a reflection of a skill deficit that can be rectified by academic or didactic training.
3.     The quality of services delivered by the trainee is sufficiently negatively affected.
4.     The problem is not restricted to one area of professional functioning.
5.     A disproportionate amount of attention by training personnel is required.
6.     The trainee's behavior does not change as a function of feedback, remediation efforts, and/or time.
7.     The trainee’s behavior negatively impacts the public view of the agency.
8.     The problematic behavior negatively impacts other trainees.
9.     The problematic behavior potentially causes harm to a client.
10.  The problematic behavior violates appropriate interpersonal communication with agency staff.

Definition of a Skill Deficiency
Skill deficiencies may be identified at any point in time in the training year, including, but not limited to times of formal evaluation.  If, during the process of formal evaluation, a trainee receives a low or remedial rating in a competency area, then due process procedures are triggered to ensure that a trainee receives adequate support to improve their skills.  

When supervisors or other faculty/staff members believe that a trainee’s behavior is becoming problematic or that a trainee is having difficulty consistently demonstrating the expected level of competence, the first step in addressing the concern should be to raise the concern with the trainee directly and as soon as feasible in an attempt to informally resolve the problem.  This may include increased supervision, didactic training and/or structured readings.  The supervisor or faculty/staff member should inform the Training Director of the action/plan taken so that proper documentation can be kept and to assure that the trainee is receiving the adequate support needed. The supervisor or faculty/staff member who raises the concern will monitor the outcome. If the person who raised the concern is not the supervisor of the trainee, then they will monitor the outcome in conjunction with the trainee’s supervisor.  The monitoring of the concern raised should be accompanied by utilization of the evaluation form on Appendix B to track trainees progress. The supervisor is also encouraged to bring the concern to the Supervisor’s Meetings so as to identify additional clarity of thought and consultation regarding the concern.  Most concerns that occur during the training year are typically resolved through informal intervention; however, if the problem behavior or skill deficiency persists following an attempt to resolve the issue informally, the supervisor will meet with the Training Director and through discussion they must both agree that a more formal process is needed.  If the supervisor is the Training Director, then the supervisor will meet with the associate director and through discussion they both must agree that a more formal process is needed.  In the case of all steps of Due Process, if a faculty/staff member involved in the Due Process procedures is unavailable, then that person, or the Executive Director may name a person to serve to role of the unavailable person.  If a more formal process is needed, then the faculty/staff member, or another person named by the Executive Director will contact the Labor and Employees Relations Division and the following procedure will be followed:

1.     Notice: The trainee will be notified that the concern has been raised to a formal level of review, and that a Hearing will be held.

2.     Hearing: The supervisor or faculty/staff member will hold a Hearing with the Training Director and trainee within 10 working days of issuing a notice of Formal Review to discuss the problem and determine what action needs to be taken to address the issue.  If the Training Director is the supervisor who is raising the issue, an additional faculty member who works directly with the trainee will be included at the Hearing.  The trainee will have the opportunity to present their perspective at the Hearing, and/or to provide a written statement related to their response to the problem.

3.     Outcome and Next Steps: The result of the Hearing will be any of the following potential action steps listed below, to be determined by the Training Director and other faculty/staff member who was present at the Hearing.  This outcome will be communicated to the trainee in writing within 5 working days of the Hearing.

One or more of the following responses will be made following a Hearing. 

1.     Acknowledgement Notice – the trainee is given formal acknowledgement that a skill deficiency or problem behavior exists.  This notice
                       a.     Informs that UC CAPS is aware of and concerned with the problem.                                     b.     Describes the unsatisfactory behavior or skill deficiency.
                       c.     Informs that UC CAPS will work with the trainee to specify the                                                       steps necessary to rectify the problem or skill deficits.
                       d.     Includes a statement that the problem is not significant enough to require                                 further remedial action at this time. 
                       e.     This step does not include or necessitate notifying the trainee’s home                                         graduate program.

2.     Remediation Plan – the trainee is given formal acknowledgement that a skill deficiency or problem behavior exists and that the trainee will be placed on a Remediation Plan.  The Remediation Plan requires that the supervisors and Training Director will actively and systematically monitor, for a specific length of time, the degree to which the trainee addresses, changes, and/or otherwise improves the problematic behavior or skill deficit.  The implementation of a Remediation Plan will represent a probationary status for the trainee.  The length of the probation period will depend upon the nature of the problem, and will be determined by the trainee’s supervisor and the Training Director.  A written Remediation Plan will be shared with the trainee and the trainee’s home graduate program including:
                        a.     Notification that the trainee is on a remediation plan for a problem
                                behavior or skill deficiency.
                        b.     Description of the behavior or skills associated with the problem.  
                        c.      Description of the actions required to correct the behavior or skill                                                 deficiency.
                        d.     Time frame during which the problem behavior or skill deficiency is                                               expected to be ameliorated.
                        e.     The procedures that will be used to identify whether the problem has                                          been appropriately remediated. 
                        f.       Possible consequences if the problem is not corrected. 
                        g.     Remediation Plans may (but are not required to) include Schedule                                                Modification as described below:

                                i.     Schedule Modification occurs when the trainee’s schedule is                                                     modified to allow the trainee to focus on remediation of the area of                                             concern.  It may occur at any time during the Due Process                                                             Procedures, but is most likely to occur as part of a remediation plan.                                           Examples of possible modifications include:
                                                       1.     Increasing the amount of supervision, either with the
                                                               same or other supervisors.
                                                       2.     Changing the format, emphasis, or focus of supervision.
                                                       3.     Recommending personal therapy.  
                                                       4.     Reducing the trainee’s clinical or other workload.

Within 5 working days after the end of the time frame identified by “d” above, the Training Director will solicit input from the trainee and will hold a meeting with the supervisor to determine whether or not the problem has been ameliorated.  The training director will then provide a written statement to the trainee indicating whether or not the problem has been remediated.  This statement will become a part of the trainee’s permanent file, and will be shared with the trainee’s home graduate program.  If the problem has not been remediated, the Training Director may choose to move to one of the higher levels of intervention listed below, or may choose to extend the Remediation Plan.  The extended Remediation Plan will include all of the information mentioned above, and the extended time frame will be specified clearly. 

3.     Clinical Privileges Suspension – the trainee is suspended from all clinical service for a designated period of time.  During that time, the program may support the trainee in obtaining additional didactic training, close mentorship or engage in another form of remediation.  The length of the suspension period will depend upon the nature of the problem and will be determined by the trainee’s supervisor and the Training Director.  The trainee will be given a letter specifying the suspension plan, which will include the following: 
                   a.     Description of the unsatisfactory behavior: 
                                  1) Actions required to correct the unsatisfactory behavior.                                      2) Timeline during which the problem is expected to be ameliorated.         
                                  3) Explanation of the procedure that will be used to determine whether                                          satisfactory progress has been made.      
                                  4) Possible consequences if the problem is not corrected.

Within 5 working days after the end of the suspension period, as designated by the timeline identified in “2)” above, the Training Director will provide to the trainee and the trainee’s home graduate program a written statement indicating whether the problem has been remediated to a level that indicates the suspension of clinical activities can be lifted.  The statement may include a recommendation to place the trainee on probationary status with a remediation plan.  In this case, the process in #2 above would be followed.  This statement will become part of the trainee’s permanent file.

4.     Termination - If the problem is not rectified through the above processes, or if the problem represents gross misconduct or ethical violations that have the potential to cause harm, the trainee’s placement within the training program may be terminated.  The decision to terminate a trainee’s position would be made by the Training Committee in consultation with the University of Cincinnati’s Human Resources department.  It would represent a discontinuation of the trainee’s participation in all aspects of the training program.  The Training Committee would make this determination within 10 working days or at the next soonest Training Committee meeting, whichever occurs first.  The Training Director may decide to suspend a trainee’s clinical activities during this period prior to a final decision being made, if warranted.  The training program will notify the trainee’s home graduate program of the decision. 

All time limits mentioned above may be extended by mutual consent within a reasonable limit.

If a trainee does not agree with a decision made at any step during the Due Process procedures, the trainee may request an Appeals Hearing before the Training Committee.  This request must be made in writing to the Training Director within 5 working days of notification regarding the decision with which the trainee is dissatisfied.  If requested, the Appeals Hearing will be conducted by a review panel convened by the Training Director (or designee) and consisting of him/her/themselves and at least two other members of training faculty who work directly with the trainee.  The trainee may request a specific member of the training faculty to serve on the review panel.  The Appeals Hearing will be held within 10 working days after the trainee’s request.  The trainee may submit to the committee any written statements deemed appropriate. The review panel will review all written materials and have an opportunity to interview the parties involved or any other individuals with relevant information.  The review panel may uphold the decisions made previously or may modify them.  Decisions made by the review panel will be shared with the trainee and the trainee’s home graduate program within 5 working days after the Appeals Hearing.

If the trainee is dissatisfied with the decision of the review panel, he/she/they may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Executive Director.  The trainee must make this request to the Executive Director within 5 working days after they were informed of the decision made by the review panel in the Appeals Hearing.  The Executive Director has final discretion regarding outcome.  He/she/they will interview the parties involved and any individuals with relevant information, and will make a decision within 5 working days after receiving the appeal request from the trainee.  Decisions made during these appeal processes will be shared with the trainee and the trainee’s home graduate program.  

The training program is committed to maintaining an atmosphere conducive to personal and professional development. This requires an environment in which each trainee feels safe and respected. All complaints related to racial or sexual harassment that involves trainees, whether the trainee is the alleged victim or perpetrator, will be handled in strict compliance with college procedures described in the Workplace Harassment Policy through the University of Cincinnati’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. The university’s procedures take precedence over the conflict resolution steps mentioned previously.

Grievance Process

As a center, we expect that there may be some conflict or challenges that create problems that need to be addressed, either through an informal or formal process.  We encourage trainees to discuss conflicts with the associated parties and resolve conflicts informally when possible, seeking consultation as needed.  When informal discussion and resolution is not possible or insufficient, this document provides a formal mechanism for the counseling center to respond to issues of concern.  Trainees may raise concerns about supervisors, other faculty members, other trainees, or any other aspect of the training program. Trainees pursuing grievances should know that no negative repercussions from CAPS will result when their claims are made in good faith. In the case of all steps of the Grievance Process, if a faculty/staff member involved in the Grievance Process is unavailable, then that person, or the Executive Director may name a person to serve to role of the unavailable person.  Trainees are expected to follow these guidelines in addressing any grievance:

A.     If a trainee has a complaint regarding the training program, the training environment, a training decision, their supervisor, another staff member, or a fellow trainee that cannot be resolved using informal means, they may submit a letter of complaint to the Training Director.  In the event that the complaint is regarding the Training Director, then this letter should be submitted to the Executive Director. 

B.     Within 5 working days after receiving the letter, the Training Director or Executive Director will call a meeting with the leadership team (Training Director, Executive Director, and Program Manager) to determine whether it is appropriate for CAPS to follow up on the grievance.  Examples of times when CAPS may not follow up on a grievance include: the grievance has no merit or the grievance must be handled through the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access because it deals with racial or sexual harassment.  

C.    Within 5 working days after the meeting, the Training Director will inform the trainee whether or not CAPS will be following up on the grievance and will inform of next steps, if any.  If CAPS is not following up on the grievance, the Training Director will inform the trainee why. 

D.    If CAPS will be following up on the grievance, then the Training Director will inform the grieved person (also within 5 working days after the meeting of the leadership team) that they have a grievance brought up about them, and that they will have 5 working days to submit a response in writing.  

E.     After the grieved person has submitted their response, or after 5 working days pass, whichever occurs first, The Training Director (or Executive Director, if appropriate) will have 10 working days within which to meet with the trainee and the individual being grieved.  In some cases, the Training Director or Executive Director may wish to meet with the trainee and the individual being grieved separately first.  The goal of any of these meetings is to develop a plan of action to resolve the matter.  The plan of action will include:                     
                a.     The Behavior/issue associated with the grievance.  
                b.     The specific steps to rectify the problem.
                c.      Timeframe during which the problem will be rectified. 
                d.     Procedures designed to ascertain whether the problem has been                                                appropriately rectified.

F.     The Training Director or Executive Director will document the process and outcome of the meeting.  The trainee and the individual being grieved, if applicable, will be asked to report back to the Training Director other Executive Director in writing within 10 working days regarding whether the issue has been adequately resolved. 

G.     If the trainee is dissatisfied with the decision of the Training Director and/or the plan of action fails, the Training Director or Executive Director will convene a review panel consisting of him/her/themselves and at least two other members of the training faculty within 10 working days.  The trainee may request a certain member of the training faculty to serve on the review panel.  The review panel will review all written materials and have an opportunity to interview the parties involved or any other individuals with relevant information.  The review panel has final discretion regarding outcome. 

H.      If the trainee remains dissatisfied or the review panel determines that the grievance cannot be resolved internally or is not appropriate to be resolved internally, then the issue will be turned over to Human Resources to initiate the university’s due process procedures.  

The training program is committed to maintaining an atmosphere conducive to personal and professional development. This requires an environment in which each trainee feels safe and respected. All complaints related to racial or sexual harassment that involves trainees, whether the trainee is the alleged victim or perpetrator, will be handled in strict compliance with college procedures described in the Workplace Harassment Policy through the University of Cincinnati’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. The university’s procedures take precedence over the conflict resolution steps mentioned previously.

Trainee Eligibility for CAPS Services and Multiple Relationships Policy University of Cincinnati’s Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Training of counselors is an area particularly vulnerable to multiple relationship issues.  Consultation with the Training Director and/or Training Committee should be sought when there is a question about a potentially problematic multiple relationship involving trainees or potential trainees.  The mental health graduate departments at the University of Cincinnati (e.g., Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Counselor Education, Mental Health Counseling) have been informed of our policy below which prohibits the involvement of their students in the CAPS training program should their students seek counseling services at CAPS.  Faculty members in those departments have been asked to communicate this information to their current and incoming students to help ensure that their students can make informed decisions about pursuing counseling services.  The following guidelines will be used in the determination of applicant eligibility:

Application Details

Applicants should submit a cover letter (briefly describing your interest in our site) and a current vita to the Director of Clinical Training (DCT) in your academic department. Applications will be reviewed and selected applicants will be invited to interview with at least two members of CAPS Selection Committee.  Interviews usually last approximately 60 minutes.  There are a limited number of openings for each year's practicum program.  If you have any questions regarding the Intermediate Practicum Training Program, please call (513) 556-0648.


We currently have paid positions available for our 10/20 Hour Training Placement Program. All potential trainees must meet the following requirements to apply for our training program:

  1. Currently enrolled in a graduate/professional counseling, social work, or clinical psychology program from a regionally accredited institution.
  2. Completed a theories or psychotherapy course which includes diagnosis and basic counseling micro-skills training (e.g., reflective listening, open ended questions, empathy).
  3. Be available to work Thursdays from 8:00-12:00 when most of the center administrative meetings and training seminars are scheduled.
  4. We do not accept practicum students who were previously seen as therapy clients at CAPS.

*Preferred: Completed at least one year of a counseling practicum prior to beginning our training program.