Optional Co-op for Arts and Sciences

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences have the opportunity to participate in co-op - that is, to engage in compensated, career-oriented work experiences, and to reflect on and integrate those experiences as part of their undergraduate degree.

Participating in co-op helps you:

  • Receive compensation for work
  • Develop transferable skills
  • Explore career options
  • Build a professional network and receive industry mentorship
  • Gain a competitive edge in the post-graduation job search


A co-op program is available for the following undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Requirements vary by department; refer to the major maps linked here for details.


To enroll in the Arts and Sciences co-op program, complete a program change form. This will add the co-op program to your academic record and degree audit. In addition, you will be added to a Canvas community to receive group advising and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enroll in the mid-collegiate professional development course PD2170 or PD2070. Students typically enroll during their second academic year. The course will help you prepare a professional resume and profile and develop skills you’ll need to search for and obtain a co-op position.

You may co-op during any semester: fall, spring or summer. You should discuss your plans with your academic advisor to ensure you complete the co-op requirements and make adequate progress toward your undergraduate degree.

In most cases, no. You should work with your academic advisor to make progress toward your undergraduate degree alongside the co-op requirements. You may need to complete a co-op or take classes over a summer in order to graduate on time. You can also make intentional choices between full- and part-time co-op experiences.

Students who register for a full-time co-op (35 or more hours per week) will pay a co-op fee in lieu of a semester of tuition.

Students who register for part-time co-op (less than 35 hours per week) will pay tuition per credit hour. You are encouraged to register for a number of credit hours that will keep you between 12 and 18 credit hours for the semester, to avoid having to pay tuition for additional credit hours. If a student enrolls in more than 18 credit hours, they will pay the standard tuition fee per credit hour over 18. Your academic advisor can help you with the details.

During the PD2070 or PD2170 course, you will develop a resume, cover letters, online profile and skills in interviewing, networking and job searching to support your job search. You’ll use Handshake and your own networks to search for co-op or paid internship opportunities. You are also encouraged to attend university-sponsored career fairs and networking events. It is your responsibility to lead and engage in a robust job search to secure a co-op position.

To ensure that a co-op or internship experience is educational, according to standards set by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), all the following criteria must be met:

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom and career-oriented: a learning experience that allows the student to apply knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  2. The experience must be compensated. (Note: Students may earn internship credit for experiences that are not compensated.)
  3. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  4. The experience has a defined beginning date, end date, and a job description with desired qualifications.
  5. There are clearly defined learning objectives or goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  6. There is supervision by a professional person with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  7. There is routine feedback from the supervisor.
  8. The host employer provides resources, equipment and facilities that support learning objectives or goals.

Apply for an on-campus co-op or service-learning co-op. These are usually open to all majors and require little to no prior experience. They satisfy a co-op requirement and help you develop skills that can help you get your next co-op.

The Register My Internship or Co-op Guide will tell you which course to register for. You can also check with your academic advisor for guidance.

When you secure a co-op, report it in Handshake as a “CCPS Internship/Co-op Experience – Full-time OR Part-time” and register for co-op credit during the semester you will complete the work experience. You should register for the credit by the term census date (typically two weeks into the semester but up to week eight).


Headshot of Erin Alanson

Erin Alanson

Associate Professor and Interim Director of Multidisciplinary Initiatives

(513) 556-0313