Mentored Research Programs
Mentored research programs exist at UC and at research institutions across the nation and the world.
Most provide a stipend or other form of monetary compensation. All have a competitive application process. Applications for summer programs usually open during winter break and close between early February and March. In general, selection is based on letters of recommendation and a personal statement that describes your research interests and/or career goals.
Programs are full-time for ten to twelve weeks. Most programs provide a stipend. Students work on research projects under the guidance of a professor or other research professional.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF): Offered by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and UC and is open to students across the country. It is federally funded, so international students do not qualify.
University Honors Program Discover (UHP Discover): For students in UC’s University Honors Program (UHP) majoring in arts, humanities, and social science disciplines (including business and education).
Protégé: First-year UC Engineering majors only. Requires high GPA fall semester of freshman year. Not funded by tax dollars, so international students qualify.
Cancer Research Scholars Program (CRSP): The program welcomes undergraduate students (rising freshman to seniors), as well as recent graduates of an undergraduate program.
University Honors Program Biomedical Research and Mentoring Program (RaMP): For first and second year students in UC’s University Honors Program interested in biomedical research and related fields.
Criminal Justice Undergraduate Research Program: Students apply in September to participate during the fall and spring semesters.
School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies Undergraduate Research Program: Provides credit-bearing opportunities to engage in faculty-mentored research on themes related to children’s media, and study of film, gaming, storytelling and more.
Space Research Institute for Discovery and Exploration (SRIDE) Undergraduate Research Fellowship: Fall and spring semesters; requires faculty mentor and project proposal.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) is offered by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and open to students across the country. It is federally funded, so international students do not qualify.
One-Day Job Shadow: Four-hour job-shadowing experience offered once a month for high school students, college students and adults who are considering a career change. Different specialists can be shadowed for a day, including physicians, nurses, speech pathologists, pharmacists and others.
Volunteering: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center welcomes college students as volunteers in patient-care areas of the hospital. Requires a minimum six-month commitment.
Note: Students in Biomedical RaMP, WISE, or Protégé may be placed in labs at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center or the UC College of Medicine.
National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates lists National Science Foundation-sponsored "Research Experiences for Undergrads" or "REUs" at nearly all 115 Research-1 institutions in the United States. They pay well and provide housing. Programs include STEM, social science, business, education and more. UC has NSF REU programs in chemistry and sensory ecology, but since the purpose of the program is to introduce students to new research environments, UC students are not accepted into the programs at UC.
Pathways to Science is a research search engine for STEM and AHSS (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) majors. Search for paid research opportunities by institution or discipline.
Michigan Humanities Emerging Research Scholars Program (MICHHERS) is a summer research experience and graduate recruitment program that helps students experience and learn more about humanities research at the University of Michigan.
The Council on Undergraduate Research is a national organization that posts research internships and other opportunities regularly.
U.S. Department of Defense STEM Opportunities: View a range of paid opportunities at Department of Defense Research Labs and Centers across the nation.
Science Education and Workforce Development Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: View a range of opportunities to support initiatives related to clean energy, security, and scientific discovery.
U.S. Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI):
Students considering STEM careers serve as research interns at one of 17 participating Department of Energy facilities.
Zintellect: The Search Engine for government-funded research internships and more. Access hundreds of opportunities across the nation, mainly for STEM disciplines.