Presenting and Publishing
Presenting and publishing research is important for advancing knowledge, understanding and innovation in all disciplines. At the undergraduate level, presenting and publishing require permission from the student’s research supervisor (usually a professor or industry professional).
Where can I present my work?
Students often present at professional and academic conferences in their discipline. Students may also present at UC's Undergraduate Scholarly Showcase in the spring.
Where can I publish my work?
Undergraduate researchers often contribute to manuscripts that their research supervisors submit to peer-reviewed scholarly journals. With permission of their research advisor, students may submit their work to an undergraduate journal. The Ohio Journal of Science is one that allows UC undergraduates to publish manuscripts free of charge. Please reach out to undergraduate research program director Dr. MK Lamkin if you are interested in this option.
Students who present at UC’s Undergraduate Scholarly Showcase may publish abstracts, posters, slides, essays, recorded presentations, and more in the Showcase Proceedings. Most conferences provide such an opportunity. Items submitted to conference proceeding must meet a certain standard but are not peer-reviewed.
Can I archive my work?
Journals often require authors to archive research data. UC Libraries provides Scholar@UC, a digital data repository to protect and preserve your work. It is free for UC students and employees.
Is there funding to support me?
Yes, students may request up to $700 to help offset the cost of presenting, publishing and more through UC’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship.