Recruit UC Volunteers

Interested in tapping into the time and talents of UC students through volunteerism? The Center for Community Engagement offers a free volunteer matching service, UC's Volunteer Portal, to nonprofit organizations, government volunteer programs, parks, schools, and faith-based organizations. The process is as simple as requesting access, getting approved, and beginning to post volunteer needs!

Benefits of Registering your Organization

  • Widely publicize your volunteer needs to UC students and begin building a larger student volunteer base
  • Gain the internal support of UC's Center for Community Engagement
  • Directly contact volunteers that have signed up for your needs
  • Showcase your agency to interested volunteers through text, photos, and videos that are mobile friendly
  • Easily manage data gathered through the Volunteer Portal 

Beginner's Guide to the UC Volunteer Portal

Does your organization offer volunteer opportunities for UC students to get involved? Sign up to become an organization on! You will be asked to designate an "organization manager" These individuals will be points of contact for your organization's volunteerism and should be prepared to maintain your profile and approve hours.

"Opportunity" is the term used by the Volunteer Portal to describe a volunteer role available for students to fill. Once CCE has approved your organization, you can begin posting opportunities to recruit volunteers. 

Organization managers are responsible for approving volunteer hours. Organization managers will receive emails when students have submitted hours. CCE encourages students to practice patience with organizations in the approval of hours. 

Galaxy Digital's Organization Manager Help Guide includes more information not listed here.

CCE is happy to provide more information on creating and maintaining your organization profile. Contact for questions.

Are you looking for ways to connect with faculty for course-based service-learning? Visit the Service-Learning website to explore coursed-based service-learning partnerships.