
Eligibility to Appeal

A student found to be responsible for either an academic or non-academic violation of the S.C.O.C. has the right to appeal. For cases involving harassment or discrimination, both the complainant and respondent have the right to appeal.

Parties may appeal under the following grounds:

  • New Information: New information was discovered that was not available at the time of the hearing, and such information could affect the decision in the case.
  • Procedural Error: A substantial procedural error occurred which affected the decision in the case.
  • Sanction of Suspension or Dismissal: A sanction of suspension or dismissal from the university was imposed and is not commensurate with the violation.
  • Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment Appeal of Sanction: In appeals involving crimes of violence or non-Title IX sexual harassment, any sanction may be appealed by either the complainant or respondent on the grounds that the sanction is not commensurate with the violation.

Submitting an Appeal

An appeal must be submitted in writing to the Director of SCCS within five days of receipt of the sanction decision letter by submitting the Student Code of Conduct Appeal Form. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Director of S.C.C.S. will forward the appeal along with the student's file to the University Appeals Administrator (U.A.A.).

University Appeals Administrators

The Vice President for Student Affairs appoints University Appeals Administrators (U.A.A.) to hear appeals. The University Appeals Administrators are:

  • Christine Ackerman
  • James Mack
  • Rachel Smith

Parties may challenge participation of a U.A.A. on the grounds of conflict of interest. Challenges must be submitted in writing to the Director of S.C.C.S. along with the appeal within the five days. The challenge must specify reasons that would prevent the individual from being unbiased with respect to the hearing proceedings. The Director of S.C.C.S., in consultation with the Dean of Students, shall decide whether the challenge has merit. If the challenge is granted or if there is an inherent conflict of interest with the UAA, a substitute will be appointed by the Director of S.C.C.S., and the same option to challenge shall exist.