Getting involved is a great way to complement your academic experience, to gain leadership skills, and to learn how to work with others.  This list of frequently asked questions provides a snapshot at the most common questions or barriers to involvement/engagement.  We hope this information is helpful and please reach out to our office with any question that you may have!


Student involvement is an essential part of the UC experience. Balancing student involvement with academic excellence is the best way to ensure a dynamic and enriching educational experience. In addition to providing you with real world learning opportunities, co-curricular involvement gives you the chance to engage with other members of the UC community. As a new member of the UC community these involvement opportunities will be at your finger tips from day one; it is your choice whether to take advantage of all of the resources and opportunities that are available. It is important to note, however, that what you take from this campus what largely depend upon what you choose to do while you are here; the more time and effort you invest, the more you will benefit from your time here. The sooner you get involved in the co-curricular activities that interest you, you sooner you will connect with others who share your interest and begin to engage in hands-on learning in a real world environment.

There are many ways to get involved during your freshman year at UC. We have over 600 student organizations that each offer a unique leadership development experience. Also, many high school organizations have related organizations at the University level. Check the Student Organization Directory to see if there is a chapter of the organization in which you are interested currently on campus. 

You are not the only person who may feel uncomfortable wandering into a room full of strangers or meeting new peers. As hard as it may be, it is a little easier to do if you know that you have something in common with those people. By searching for organizations that focus on topics or do activities that you find interesting, you know that you will have something to talk about with everyone in that room. You can find a list of all student organizations on GetInvolvedUC. When you find an organization that you like, you can contact the leaders of the organization to let them know you are interested in getting involved. 

You can contact our office with any questions, or if you would like to meet with a staff member.

Your major does not have to determine your involvement, but many students have found their major through their involvement. Find something you enjoy doing. Even if it doesn’t end up being your major, at least you enjoyed it while you were involved and you were doing something productive during your time of exploration. To find something that matches your interests, check out our student organization directory or contact an engagement expert in the Center for Student Involvement to find organizations in which you may want to get involved.

Getting involved can potentially help you meet faculty and staff members or other professionals with experience in your field. Plus, as you get more involved in an organization, you’ll have the opportunity to practice leadership skills, which are transferable to your career. In today’s competitive job market, employers look for students who are well-rounded and have not simply spent their college years attending class. Get involved in organizations that interest you and taking leadership roles in those organizations will give you skills that are highly marketable to future employers and will cause you to stand out in the applicant pool.

Yes. If you are involved in a combination of activities that limits your ability to enjoy experiences of high quality you are too involved. Being involved in 1-3 groups that allow for meaningful personal growth can be much more valuable than simply being listed among the membership rosters of 15 organizations. We typically encourage students to find something that speaks to your passion, find an organization that ties to your career aspirations, and find one organization to stretches you outside your comfort zone or exposes you to a new concept/idea.

Prioritize the activities you are interested in, and be selective when making commitments. If you realize you’ve gotten in over your head, its better to resign from a position and let someone else step up to lead than to try to juggle and “drop the ball.”

The best way to know where you fit is to tap into what you have a passion for, and what resources are available to you. The UC campus has so much to offer that it can be overwhelming. We recommend that you download the Corq app the complimentary app for GetInvolvedUC. This will help you keep track of events.

The Center for Student Involvement is in place to help you direct your efforts. The experienced staff is highly knowledgeable of events, organizations and departments on campus. If you would like to set up a meeting with someone on our staff member, please contact us.

Each student organization is different. Some organizations require an application and/or interview process, while some organizations do not have a selections process. Student organizations also involve varying levels of commitment; most student organizations will have specific requirements that members must attain, such as meeting or event attendance, in order for members to remain in good standing. Remember, each student organization is different. To obtain specific information about the selection or membership requirements for a specific organization, please contact the officers listed in the Student Organization Directory.

If you have searched the Student Organization Directory but have not found the specific organization in which you are interested you are more than welcome to start one of your own! Visit the Center for Student Involvement website to learn more about how to start your own organization.

The Center for Student Involvement is located in 455 Steger Student Life Center. 

If you would like to get in touch with a specific staff member, please feel free to contact staff directly. If you have a general question, or if you don’t know who would be the best person to help you, email ucinvolvement@uc.edu and someone from our team will get back to you. If you have a more pressing matter, please call our office at 513-556-6115.

The Center for Student Involvement is home to the Student Leadership Certificate. The Student Leadership Certificate is a university-wide initiative designed to educate undergraduate campus leaders through the completion of course work, programs, activities, and experiences that provide a pathway to student success, development, and personal growth. The academic for credit certificate combines formal classroom instruction with out-of-class experiences to create a structured learning environment. The goal is to develop the whole student through knowledge acquisition, skill development, and civic engagement.