
As a registered student organization, there are many policies that are important for you to be aware of to ensure compliance and successful operations. Review our comprehensive policy resources and support responsible RSO practices on campus.

RSOs wishing to host events with alcohol must comply with the University’s Alcohol Policy as set forth in University Board rule 10-17-07 Conduct and ethics: university alcohol policy and the Use of Facilities Policy Manual. 

Hazing is intolerable and presents a serious risk to the health and safety of students. University of Cincinnati prohibits hazing as set forth in the Anti-Hazing Policy and the laws of the state of Ohio. RSOs must review and comply with Anti-Hazing Policy.  A complete copy of the policy may be found at University Board rule 40-5-06 Conduct, rights and responsibilities: anti-hazing policy.

The Anti-Hazing Policy applies to all members of the University community, including RSOs, students seeking to register as a RSO, and other student groups, including but not limited to athletic teams, spirit groups, military organizations, honor societies, fraternities and sororities, musical or theatrical ensembles, bands, and clubs.

Reporting & Resources

The Anti-Hazing Policy sets forth reporting requirements, specifically the policy states: 

  1. Mandatory reporting to law enforcement. Per Ohio law, an administrator, employee, faculty member, teacher, consultant, alumnus, or volunteers of any organization, who is acting in an official and professional capacity, shall immediately report the knowledge of hazing to a law enforcement agency in the county in which the victim of hazing resides or in which the hazing is occurring or has occurred. 
  2. Mandatory reporting to the University.  A mandatory reporter must immediately report knowledge of hazing, as defined in section (D) of this anti-hazing policy, to the University.  A mandatory reporter who fails to make a timely report may be subject to appropriate discipline.  Each of the following is considered a mandatory reporter:
  3. Any full or part-time employee of the University (including student employees and graduate assistants).
  4. Any volunteer acting in an official capacity who advises or coaches an organization and who has direct contact with students.

Employees who are required by law to protect confidentiality are exempt from this requirement. 

Reports can be made by contacting any of the following:

  • University of Cincinnati Police Division

    Three Edwards Center

    51 West Corry Blvd

    (513) 556-1111 

  • Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards 

    555 Steger Student Life Center 

    (513) 556-6814

    Incident Reporting Form

  • Office of Parent and Family Programs 
    630 Steger Student Life Center

    (513) 556-1200 


The posting and chalking policy is set forth in the Use of Facilities Policy Manual. RSOs must review the Use of Facilities Policy Manual and comply with the requirements as set forth within. 

Travel requirements are set forth in the Student Travel Policy 1.10.2. RSOs must review the Student Travel Policy and comply with the requirements set forth within.


For trips over 100 miles from the University of Cincinnati Uptown Campus, or overnight, RSOs are required to rent vehicles through the University. Use of personal vehicles is allowed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the RSO advisor and the Center for Student Involvement.   

To rent a vehicle, an RSO must:  

  1. Contact the University’s AAA agent at 513-762-3200 at least 14 days in advance. 
  2. Let the agent know that they are renting vehicles as an RSO through the Center for Student Involvement.  
  3. If utilizing RSO funding, the confirmation and itinerary will need to be attached to the purchase request in GetInvolvedUC.  Purchase requests must be approved at least 10 days prior to travel, or the rental will be cancelled. 
  4. If not using RSO funding, the RSO must provide payment to the Center for Student Involvement before travel. Checks should be made out to the University of Cincinnati and delivered to 455 Steger Student Life Center.  

When renting vehicles for RSO travel:

  • Drivers must be at least 18 years old for sedans, minivans, and SUVs. 
  • Drivers must be at least 21 years old for the 12 and 15 passenger vans. 
  • Drivers must have a valid driver’s license. 
  • Only authorized drivers on the rental agreement/Vehicle Reservation Form can drive the rental vehicle. 
  • RSO officials may not assign carpools. 
  • RSOs must turn in a Travel Authorization & Roster to the Center for Student Involvement.

The political program and activities policy is set forth in the Use of Facilities Policy Manual. RSOs must review the Use of Facilities Policy Manual and comply with the requirements as set forth within.

The Outdoor and Expressive Activities policy is set forth in the Use of Facilities Policy Manual. RSOs must review the Use of Facilities Policy Manual and comply with the requirements set forth within.

RSO use of University Name, Brand, & Logos is outlined in University Rule 40-03-01, RSOs must review and comply with the rule. If a RSO would like to use UC’s name, brand, or logos the RSO will need to complete the appropriate form below and the RSO’s primary contact will need to submit it on GetInvolvedUC:    

If a RSO does not wish to use UC’s name, brand, or logos, the forms do not need to be completed and submitted, however, please know that if the forms are not completed and submitted, the RSO will not be permitted to use UC’s name, brand, or logos. The improper use of UC’s name, brand, or logos, including use without prior approval, will be processed pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct.

RSOs that want to produce a product using the University’s brand (defined as the University’s name, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, seals, symbols, mascots, images, and slogans associated with or referring to the University of Cincinnati) must also review the Trademarks & Licensing website. All products using the University brand must go through an approved vendor. It is best practice to submit a request to Trademarks & Licensing at least 30 days in advance of needing the product. For complete information on using University brand, please review the University Trademarks for Internal Consumption Policy.

To learn more about risk in RSOs, strategies to manage risk, or to connect with a University risk manager, please visit the University Enterprise Risk Management website. 

RSO Insurance

Generally, RSOs are not covered under the University's insurance coverage.  Here are a few exceptions:

  • Car rentals obtained through Transportation Services;
  • Student government leaders while acting in their official capacity; and 
  • Events co-sponsored by the University.

Crisis Management

In the event of a crisis or emergency related to the RSO, or a member of the RSO, the RSO is advised to:

  • Call 911 immediately for necessary emergency services.
  • Notify the RSO’s advisor immediately.
  • Notify the Center for Student Involvement staff within 24 hours of the incident.  If outside of business hours, contact the Dean of Students 513-556-4119.
  • Enact any additional crisis management protocol the RSO has in place in collaboration with their advisor and/or the Center for Student Involvement.
  • In the event of serious injury or death, information must not be shared publicly or privately (within the RSO) without consent from the member’s family or guardian.