Vikki Kowalczyk

Assistant Director, University Honors Program
Honors Advisor

Contact Information



M.Eng in Environmental Engineering from University of Cincinnati
M.Ed. in Student Affairs and College Counseling from The Citadel
A.B. in Classics, minors in Biology and Geology from College of Charleston

A little about me...

I love traveling and feel like I grew up on the road. Ohio is the 5th state I’ve lived in. I’m originally from Northern Michigan and North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee have been stopping points in my life. Having lived in a few different states and through traveling, I have picked up a variety of sayings and accents. Even though I have lived in southern, warm states and cities, winter is my favorite season. My partner and I love hiking and have also ventured out to try camping with our dogs. I have completed 2 half marathons, but 5k and 10k runs are my favorite distances.

I was one of those high school students who knew exactly what they wanted to major in, so I selected my college and moved states in high school with this goal in mind. Life happened during college and fall of my junior year I changed majors and started researching graduate programs.  My activities, jobs, and mentors in college helped me figure out who I am and find my passion for working with college students.

I enjoy guiding College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) students through their UHP experiences and goals.

Ask me about...

  • Shadow and Digit, my dogs
  • Dancing in a holiday parade in Charleston
  • My “back-up” career plan
  • What I’m reading
  • My Lego collection

Fun Fact

I rarely have caffeine

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

Albert Einstein