Aarushi Damor

My UHP experience in five words

Creative, Generous, Independent, Ambitious, Passionated

Why UHP is for me

UHP has significantly enriched my college experience and provided opportunities I never imagined possible. As an international student, I arrived with a lot of anxiety about what lay ahead, leaving home for a new country. However, UHP gave me a sense of direction and clarity about my future. With remarkable research opportunities, study tours, and the chance to create unique experiences, UHP has helped me form strong bonds with some of the most amazing people, making my transition smoother and more fulfilling.

Aarushi Image

An honors experience I'll never forget

This coming fall semester, I am eagerly anticipating an honors experience that holds a special place in my heart. I will be moving off campus with my best friend, and as an architecture student, I am excited to work on my craft and experiment with different materials. I plan to build the furniture for our house, embracing the idea of creating a home away from home.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

The advice I'd give to people interested in joining the UHP is to embrace every opportunity it offers!! Engage actively in the challenging coursework, participate in research projects, and take advantage of study tours and unique experiences. Building strong relationships with peers and faculty will enhance your learning and personal growth. Most importantly, be open to new ideas and ready to step out of your comfort zone; the rewards are well worth it.

What my future holds

For me, the next step is to slow down and savor every moment. Having just finished my first year, I realize how quickly time can pass when I'm caught up in work and have little time to meet friends or take care of myself. The only class that allowed me to slow down and interact with my peers was Gateway to University Honors. It showed me the opportunities I have more clearer. Moving forward, I plan to learn how to maintain a proper balance in life. I aim to manage my time better, prioritize my well-being, and ensure that I make meaningful connections along the way.