Aayush Kumar

Aayush Kumar Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Unveiling potential through enriching exploration

Why UHP is for me

Now, picture this. You are an engineering student who loves to paint, photograph, write, or even stargaze. I am that student. The UHP has given me a platform to do all of this and learn. A platform that enables me to grow, a platform that lets me enrich these experiences, a platform that makes me a global citizen scholar helping me make an impact on the world every day, one day at a time

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Broaden your horizons, Master chaotic energy, and Conquer unpredictable challenges. When you prioritize growth over comfort, you win.

An honors experience I’ll never forget

The Discover Research Program. Want to feel like a scientist, working on research for a summer-long project, or potentially even more? I had so much fun working with the faculty at the digital futures XR labs, exploring the realm of Virtual reality and Alternate reality and beyond! something out of my major and field of study. Ever wondered if all of us were just holograms?

What my future holds

Guess what? I managed to complete all the required experiences for the University Honors Program in just one year. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I wanted to challenge myself, and I did it! Now I'm looking to switch things up and explore different avenues. I'm even thinking about starting clubs or designing my own experiences. But that's not all. I'm really focused on becoming a stronger and more influential person – you know, someone that everyone can rely on. Embracing challenges and discomfort for personal growth. These university years are such a unique time, full of opportunities for self-discovery and growth. I'm all about finding that balance between academics, cool extracurricular stuff, and working on myself. I believe this approach will set me up for an awesome and impactful future. So yeah, that's the scoop on what's ahead for me in the University Honors Program and beyond. Exciting times, right?

Aayush Kumar with dog