Akshat Shah

Akshat Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Introspection, Development, Empowerment, Immersion, Diversity

Why UHP is for me

The University Honors Program (UHP) is for me because it aligns with my aspirations of becoming a Global Citizen Scholar. Through UHP, I've gained a profound appreciation for diverse cultures and a deeper understanding of global issues. The program has transformed my initial views into a more comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a global citizen, emphasizing the importance of empathy and sustainable solutions.
UHP has significantly enriched my collegiate experience by integrating challenging academic courses with experiential learning opportunities. These experiences have allowed me to apply my classroom knowledge in real-world settings, fostering a deeper appreciation for global perspectives and enhancing my communication skills. Additionally, the supportive environment of UHP encourages self-reflection and personal growth, helping me align my actions with my core values of adaptability, understanding, and perseverance. This alignment has not only enriched my learning experience but also empowered me to contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic community.


An honors experience I'll never forget

I am also interested in Study Abroads and the International Co-op Program if I am able to attain and schedule it in a timely manner.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

The advice I'd give to people interested in joining the UHP is to embrace the diverse opportunities it offers and to actively engage in both academic and experiential learning. Approach the program with an open mind and a willingness to explore different cultures and perspectives. Participate in activities different roles to enhance your skills and broaden your understanding.
Additionally, I recommend engaging in self-reflection and honest assessments to ensure your actions align with your values. This will help you stay true to yourself and foster a sense of fulfillment. Leverage your personal strengths and cultural background to connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

What my future holds

My goal at the moment is to continue doing well during the course of my undergraduate studies and attain a Fall 2024 co-op. I want to get familiar with the industry and widen my horizons with exciting and instructive learning opportunities which will further help me in my postgraduate studies too.
In the bigger picture, I will be attending Graduate School and I will want to see myself as a successful engineer in this field as I believe I have the passion and drive to work towards my goal. I also see myself leading a good balanced life both professionally and socially. This course will definitely help me be a successful engineer as I have been passionate about this course for a very long time and seeing my dreams unfurl and turn out to be fruitful, will be my biggest achievement which will help me boost my morale and work even harder to achieve new heights.
I would also want to be able to give something back to the community to the best of my abilities.
