Belle Whitehurst

A photo that Belle took of clouds at dusk

My UHP experience in five words

Fun, Useful, Supported, Great, Connections

Why UHP is for me

UHP is for me because I love that they have a variety of honors seminars and study tours that are available to take. It gives me the opportunity to travel to new places and experience their culture. In addition their is much benefits to being in UHP such as having another advisor that you can go to if needed as well as internships through UHP.

An honors experience I'll never forget

My favorite honors experience was EVST3014: On the River and Experiencing the Brazilian Amazon. I was able to learn about Brazil, their ecosystem, the language, plants, animals, as well as Portuguese. The whole experienced ended with a trip to the Brazil Amazon, which was quite a changing experience. We got to live on a boat that travels through the Amazon for eight days, and do a variety of activities, my favorite being swimming in the Rio Negro and playing soccer with an Indigenous village.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Do it!! You will not regret it! And it is so useful to be in UHP because of the many opportunities and resources UHP has.

What my future holds

I am a junior at the moment, so what is next for me is continuing on with my education, but also looking for field study opportunities for this upcoming summer 2025. As well as maybe more study abroad in the future. After I complete my capstones for both my majors, then graduating, I will be taking a gap year, afterwards will be masters school for my Archaeology degree.