Cole Hutchins

Cole preparing to skydive

What I love most about UHP

What I love most about UHP is the opportunities. Being involved with UHP has provided me with so many course options, study abroad trips, grants, and more. I really enjoy planning out potential classes and trips and UHP has given me a lot more opportunities to do so.

Favorite honors experience

My favorite honors experience was a course I took my sophomore year called "From Bitcoin to Blockchain." It was a course related to my major offered through the honors program. The course was my first in-person one since before covid, and the students were from very different majors. This sparked a lot of class discussion, more than I had in any other course. The class talked about topics ranging from blockchain technology, to cryptocurrency, to general computer science topics, to the world monetary system. This class was definitely one of my favorites and was invaluable towards my college experience.

Best UC moment so far

My favorite UC moment so far was the 2021 football season specifically the Notre Dame game. My dad, brother, and I travelled to the ND game and it was the first game of the season I could attend. Everyone knew that the game would make or break our season, and after winning the game, the excitement kept on growing. Every game after ND was a must-win in order for our CFP hopes to even have a chance, and the UC community felt really close during that season. It was like having a playoff game every week.

Get involved as soon as possible. Join a club related to your major, and another just for fun. Don't be afraid to reach out for help, no matter what it might be for.

What's next?

I am starting my fourth of five years here at UC. Before I graduate, I hope to make full use of what the honors program offers and intend to take two study tour seminars.

Cole and friends at a football game