Ellie Joyce

Ellie Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Creating new connections while learning

Why UHP is for me

The UHP program has improved by collegiate experience by introducing me to countless people that have made UC home for me while giving me the opportunity to gain professional design experience through my role on the Design and Media Team. I have received the inspiring mentorship by the best boss and team I've ever worked for. I've been a part of this team since my freshman year spring, and I learn more about myself and UHP every semester.

Ellie Portrait
Ellie Portrait

An honors experience I'll never forget

My favorite honors experience was the seminar I took last spring, Collecting the World: University of Cincinnati Collections, 1819 to Today with Dr. Chris Platts. It was amazing getting to see collections in each college at UC while also creating friendships with other honors students.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Do it! There are so many opportunities, fun experiences, and beautiful friendships waiting for you.

What my future holds

Fall of 2024, I will be participating in my second cooperative education rotation at The Live Well Collaborative as a Design Research Intern. From there, three more years of school and three more co-ops!

Ellie Portrait