Geethika Velaga

Geethika Velaga Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

exciting, enriching, collaborative, community, innovative

Why UHP is for me

While it's my first year being a part of UHP, stepping into the role of a student ambassador allowed me to step out of my comfort zone in a university with thousands of other students who also share the same fears as me. The program allowed me to meet new people as well as other fellow international students who share my passions with pursuing a career in the medical field. I'm also very grateful to have a support system such as advisors, other upperclassmen, and mentors who are able to guide me along the path to fulfill my requirements for UHP as well as expand upon my hobbies in painting, drawing, music, etc.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

I would recommend them to apply and join to be able to experience and become involved in things that are aligned to their career goals, but also to explore their passions and expand on their hobbies. It's a very close-knit community that is easy to be integrated in, and I feel that the experiences and activities that the program offers allow for almost a break from studies, giving them the chance to do things that they are interested in exploring further.

An honors experience I’ll never forget

I'm most looking forward to being able to become involved in and perform research through the Biomedical Research and Mentoring Program to be able to work under a professor and be able to work in the lab on a topic that is interesting and one that I want to learn more about.

What my future holds

I see myself hopefully being able to do some research my first and second years of college, as well as doing a study tour and hopefully going abroad, something that I did not plan on doing previously. I also hope to participate in some of the seminars that UHP offers, especially focusing on topics outside of my major.

Geethika Velaga Portrait