Jordan Webb

Jordan Webb Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Beneficial, Intellectual, Fun, Community, Involvement

Why UHP is for me

I think that UHP is for me because I am around a lot of people who share the same values as myself. UHP is so diverse, and I have already met a lot of great people at UHP during my little time here. The UHP has provided me with multiple opportunities such as being on the Ambassador team and taking an honors seminar called "Africa is NOT a Country."

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Some advice that I would give to anyone interested in the University Honors Program is to just do it! The Honors Program provides you with so many great opportunities that not only can benefit your academics/career, but also just your growth as a person. Go for it and have fun!

An honors experience I’ll never forget

Since I am a first-year, I have not technically completed any honors experiences. However, an experience that I most look forward to getting involved in is the study abroad opportunities. I applied for the study abroad to Germany not long ago, so I am waiting to see if I get accepted into the class!

What my future holds

Even though I am only a first year, I know that UHP will impact my future goals because there are a lot of opportunities that I can take in the UHP, especially relating to my major and my interests.

Jordan Webb with friends