Kimberly Washington

Kimberly Washington Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Enriching, Challenging, Engaging, Supportive, and Transformative.

An honors experience I'll never forget

Why UHP is for me

UHP is for me because it provided me with a unique array of engaging experiences and a supportive community that pushes me to pursue my goals. The program has significantly improved my collegiate experience by offering personalized advising and opportunities for leadership and research. These aspects of the program have helped me grow academically and personally, preparing me for future challenges.

Kimberly Washington
Kimberly Washington

An honors experience I'll never forget

My favorite honors experience so far has to be the AACRC Spring Break Tour. This tour allowed me to engage in different discussions with other universities to gain ideas and perspectives on what we can do at the University of Cincinnati to make it a more inclusive and engaging university, all while getting to travel to new places.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Fully embrace all the opportunities the University Honors Program offers. To get involved in the community, take advantage of the resources, and not be afraid to challenge yourself.

Kimberly Washington