Malaya Castillo

Malaya Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Volunteering for a global impact!

Why UHP is for me

UHP allows me to expand on myself and gives me opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise. UHP not only challenges me, but allows me to reflect on myself and the perspectives of the people I am surrounded by in this program.

Malaya C
Malaya C

An honors experience I'll never forget

I’m thrilled to share that I’m currently in my first honors experience! This summer, I’m volunteering for a non-profit organization in Haiti, working with children in a village. This opportunity allows me to travel to a third-world country and contribute to the local community. Immersing myself in a different culture and speaking a new language during my summer break has been incredibly enriching. It’s truly eye-opening to witness the pure joy in the children and to learn from them.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Absolutely get involved! UHP opens opportunities, and the people involved are so kind! The program is tailored to each student and their interests. It is truly what you make of it!

What my future holds

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Malaya C