Martin Ogbebor

Martin Ogebebor Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Encouraging, Empowering, Adventurous, Fun, Welcoming

Why UHP is for me

I know that UHP is for me because I have been given many opportunities to explore my interests while also finding opportunities for personal growth.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Go for it! There is a whole world of possibilities out there for you.

An honors experience I’ll never forget

I will never forget my time in the UHP Discover Program it gave me the opportunity to explore a different side of research while allowing me to grow professionally within that space.

What my future holds

I plan to bring in as many people as possible into the honors program even after graduation. As for me I will use everything I've gained in the University Honors Program to help me achieve any of my future goals.

Martin Ogebebor with friends