Safa Alam

Safa Alam Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Constant growth with continuous support

Why UHP is for me

UHP has provided me with the support and encouragement to purse my passions and career goals. Being encouraged by people who have both different and similar aspirations to you is a driving force to take on new opportunites in college. UHP allows for me to constantly grow and be committed to my goals.

An honors experience I'll never forget

A Honors Experience that I am currently in is Crossroads Health Center Volunteer. This experience has allowed me to discover the many struggles and issues people within the Cincinnati community have in accessing health care. The connections I have made with staff and speaking to them about their experiences with patients has allowed me to grow in my empathy. Also, through constant communication with different agencies, such as hospitals, this experience has built my patience and confidence.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

The advice I have is to be open to diverse people and majors because everyone can learn or teach something to one another. Also, experiences do not have to be career oriented and you have the opportunity and encouragement to purse your interests.

What my future holds

In the future, I am planning to become a dentist and work with kids in pediatric dentistry. UHP has encouraged my goals because it has motivated me to take on diverse opportunities that will enhance my ability in this field. Through both working in a dentist office or tutoring students, UHP has allowed me to understand the value in each experience I have done and build both my resume and character to pursue my future goals.

Safa Alam Family