Tsion Begashaw

Tsion Begashaw Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

Fulfilling, Inspiring, Adventurous, Nostalgic, Exciting

Why UHP is for me

UHP is for me because the entire program is about being proud of your academic accomplishments while also experiencing all that university has to offer you. I am very proud to call myself a global citizen scholar and I take pride in being apart of UHP. A way that this program has improved my collegiate experience as a whole is through literally requiring me to get outside and explore something that I can reflect on later. I think that UHP really prioritizes seizing the moment and it makes me very happy that I am able to experience such a respected and beautiful program throughout my academic career.

An honors experience I'll never forget

My favorite honors experience so far has by far been my trip to Ethiopia. I was able to connect with my roots and really discover the meanings behind who I am from a mature and developed standpoint.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

The advice I'd give to people interested in joining the UHP is to take advantage of the opportunities this program gives you and to seize the moment! UHP offers so many hands-on pre-approved experiences that you will could benefit from- not only as a requirement for UHP but it probably will benefit you in your major academically!

What my future holds

Coming up for me, I want to go to graduate school to pursue a Master's of Public Health with interest in Healthcare Administration. I also am super passionate about helping those across the world and also within my community with direct and affordable access to quality sanitary products. I am very passionate about the education and I am always interested in looking for work (both voluntary and paid) that relates to anything with helping people.

Tsion Begashaw Portrait