Belong Coordinators

The UHP Belong Coordinator role is a pre-approved honors experience that focuses on fostering community through educational and interactive programming. Belong Coordinators work together in small groups and as a larger team to create, plan, and execute this programming that occurs both passively (e.g., social media, materials posted in honors lounge, UHP newsletter) and in person.

As a Belong Coordinator, you will to bring your own ideas to life, collaborate with other UHP students, interact with the UHP community, support campus partners, take part in learning opportunities on campus, and engage in reflection. 

Below are a few examples of programming created by previous Belong Coordinators:

  • Kindness Day Goodie Bags
  • Affirmation Wall

Application and Commitment

This honors experience occurs from September-April. As a Belong Coordinator, you will:

  • Attend bi-weekly (1hr) meetings
  • Support planning and execution of 1-3 programs per month (excluding December)
  • Collaborate with campus partners and support existing UHP community events
  • Actively communicate and share ideas with other Belong Coordinators
  • Participate in 1-2 learning opportunities on campus
  • Engage in reflection around your learning and approach as a student leader

University Honors students may apply for the Belong Coordinator role through Monday, September 2 at 11:59pm EST. Review of applications will begin on September 3 and decisions will be communicated by September 6.


Headshot of Shawna Obregon

Shawna Obregon

Assistant Director, Honors Advisor