ARTE3005: Dance in the City

Students learn basic tango dance steps in an Honors class with guest tango instructor.

Instructor: Kimber Andrews & Flavia Bastos


This course is an exploration of the multiple facets of dance in Cincinnati, including classical ballet, ballroom dance, contemporary dance, hip hop, Latin Dance, and beyond. Students will become familiar with the history and traditions that shape dance, read ethnographic accounts, and dance criticism, as well as interview local dancers and choreographers to better appreciate this ancient and complex art form. From observing to taking classes, attending performances to writing criticism, interviewing dancers to documenting their experiences, and creating dance studies, this course will raise awareness about the integral role of dance in our city and beyond. 

A note about dancing: Dance is a form of embodied expression; therefore, engaging in the physical practice of dance is an essential aspect of understanding the art form. Students do not need any prior formal experience with dance instruction to take this class. All movement activities will be exploratory and focused on each individual’s knowledge and ability. Diversity of movement styles and the creation of unique embodied expression will be encouraged and championed. Any and all physical limitations will be accommodated and viewed as a contribution to the development of unique movement vocabularies.

Learn more about this class via the Spring 2018 class blog

Past Offerings