Spring 2025 Honors Seminars

Study Tours

Upcoming Study Tours
Course Number Title Instructor Day/Time Location(s) BoK
ARTE3113/ PHIL3113  Strange Tools: Artistic Inquiry & Embodied Cognitive Science

Holland, Kristopher 

Chemero, Anthony

Thursdays 5:00-7:50PM Amsterdam, Netherlands FA, HU
POL 2097 International Institutions Ivanov, Ivan Wednesdays

Brussels, Belgium

The Hague, Netherlands



Upcoming Seminars
Course No. Title Instructor Class # Day/Time BoK

Human-Computer Interaction in the Age of Metaverse and Extended Reality

Tang, Ming 42310 TuTh 12:30-1:50pm FA
ARTE3005   Dance in the City

Bastos, Flavia

Andrews, Kimber

49524 Tuesdays 5:00-7:50pm FA, SCE
CATH3000/ INTR3000 The Human Condition  Zalar, Jeff 46881
TuTh 12:30-1:50pm HU
CHE3001 Big Science: The Impact and Legacy of Large Scientific Infrastructure Nickels, Jonathan 50745 TuTh 11:00am-12:20pm TI
CI3036/COMM3036 Social Justice Spaces for Children

Jennings, Nancy

Dell, Laura

Schroeder, Sarah

WeFr 11:00am-12:20pm DEI, HU
DS2100 Breaking Barriers: Disability and Social Change Hulgin, Kathleen 49804 TuTh 9:30-10:50am DEI
ENGL2089 (honors sections only) Intermediate Composition TBA See Catalyst See Catalyst   
ENGL3002 From Serial Reading to Binge Watching: Serial Storytelling Past and Present  Anderson, Kirsten 49664 MWF 2:30-3:25pm N/A
MGMT3009 Bennis Leadership Accelerator Lewis, Marianne 41558 MW 2:30-3:25pm SCE
PD3060 Doing Good Together: Student Philanthropy Studio 

Bastos, Flavia

Selzer, Robin

45581 TuTh 9:30-10:50am SCE
PHIL3091/RALL3091 Climate Change and Your Future

Martinez, Eduardo

Faruquem, Muhammad

TuTh 2:00-3:20pm HU, SCE
THPR2060 The Great Escape! Puzzle Solving and Design as Recreation, Competition, and a Key to Unlocking Creativity Halpin, Mark 51452 Wednesdays 1:25 -4:15pm FA