Learning Assistants

Learning Assistants (LAs) are undergraduate students who, alongside faculty and other peer educators, help create active and engaging learning spaces in large lecture and laboratory settings. This model, developed at the University of Colorado – Boulder, allows LAs to learn and apply innovative and effective teaching methods, build professional connections with faculty, and support their peers' academic success.

Does my Learning Assistant give me a grade?

No. Learning Assistants are in your course to support your learning, but they do not control students' grades.

Does my Learning Assistant hold office hours?

Most do, often in the Math and Science Support (MASS) Center. For information about your specific Learning Assistant's office hours, check your course syllabus.  

I am an instructor. How can I request a Learning Assistant for my course?

To learn more about requesting a Learning Assistant for your course, visit our Bearcats Landing site.

How can I apply to be a Learning Assistant?

Visit the Learning Assistant Employment webpage to learn more about the position.

Partner with faculty to further in-class active learning and student engagement, often in large-enrollment courses, in order to foster student learning, sense of belonging, and academic confidence by promoting content proficiency and metacognition.

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