Supplemental Review Sessions (SRS)

MATH 1096 (SRS) Enrollment

Spring 2025 sessions will begin the second week of classes, on Tuesday, January 21st. Students can enroll in MATH 1096 (SRS) on Catalyst through January 19th for the Spring 2025 semester.

The Late Add application period for the Spring 2025 semester has closed. Applications will reopen for the Fall 2025 semester during the designated enrollment period. Please check back for updates.

What is MATH 1096 (SRS)?

The Supplemental Review Sessions (SRS) program is a 1-credit hour course, MATH 1096, where enrolled students are part of a small group that reviews and practices content from a MATH/STAT companion course. Students work with an SRS Leader once per week on problem sets designed by the Department of Mathematics faculty. Grading of MATH 1096 (SRS) is based on attendance and participation with a requirement of 9 sessions to pass. 

Spring 2025 MATH 1096 (SRS) Schedule

Find your primary math or statistics course below and click on it to view the corresponding MATH 1096 (SRS) schedule.

  • * Denotes section with seats held for a Learning Community configuration. Seats may open as Learning Community enrollments are finalized.

You can also download a copy of the schedule using the button above.

Spring 2025: MATH 1021 College Algebra
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 701 50085 Monday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 115
Spring 2025: MATH 1024 STEM Preparatory Pathways 2
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 601 50080 Tuesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 602 50082 Wednesday 5:00pm-6:20pm FRENCH-W 4211
Spring 2025: MATH 1026 Pre-Calculus
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 101 49941 Tuesday 5:00pm-6:20pm FRENCH-W 4211
Spring 2025: MATH 1044 Applied Calculus 1
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 201 49943 Monday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 202 49945 Tuesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 203 49949 Wednesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 204* 49951 Tuesday 3:30pm-4:50pm FRENCH-W 4211
MATH 1096 205* 49952 Thursday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 206* 49954 Monday 3:30pm-4:50pm FRENCH-W 4211
MATH 1096 207*    49955 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 270
MATH 1096 208* 49956 Wednesday 6:30pm-7:50pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 209* 49959 Thursday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 140
Spring 2025: MATH 1045 Applied Calculus 2
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 301 49965 Wednesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 270
MATH 1096 302* 49966 Monday 5:00pm-6:20pm FRENCH-W 4211
MATH 1096 303* 49969 Thursday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 115
Spring 2025: MATH 1061 Calculus 1
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 401 49982 Monday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 402 49986 Monday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 404 49991 Tuesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 405 49996 Tuesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 406 49999 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 407 50006 Wednesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 140
MATH 1096 408 50007 Thursday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 409 50009 Thursday 5:00pm-6:20pm FRENCH-W 4211
Spring 2025: MATH 1062 Calculus 2
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 501 50011 Monday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 502 50015 Monday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 503 50022 Monday 6:30pm-7:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 504 50040 Tuesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 505 50041 Tuesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 119
MATH 1096 506 50045 Tuesday 6:30pm-7:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 507 50051 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 245
MATH 1096 508 50052 Wednesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 510 50056 Thursday 3:30pm-4:50pm 60W Charlton 115
MATH 1096 511 50057 Thursday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60w Charlton 245
MATH 1096 513* 50061 Thursday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 255
MATH 1096 514* 50064 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:50pm FRENCH-W 4211
Spring 2025: STAT 1031 Introduction to Statistics
Course Section Class # Day Time Location
MATH 1096 001 49938 Tuesday 5:00pm-6:20pm 60W Charlton 115

What are the goals of MATH 1096 (SRS)?

  • Provide an opportunity for students to practice problems relevant to their mathematics/statistics course
  • Allow students to engage with their mathematics/statistics content in an active learning environment
  • Encourage the development of pro-social behaviors that students can continue to utilize outside of MATH 1096 (SRS)
  • Prepare students for their cumulative final exam by reviewing material on a weekly basis 

Is MATH 1096 (SRS) for a grade?

Yes. MATH 1096 (SRS) is graded on a Pass/Not Proficient scale, and grading is based on attendance.

Do I have to attend MATH 1096 (SRS) each week?

You have to attend MATH 1096 (SRS) at least 9 times in order to receive a Pass grade. We highly encourage you to attend each session.

What should I do if I can't attend my session?

Check the above schedule to see if another session is offered for your course. Feel free to attend this session in place of your usual session. You do not need to notify anyone, but be sure you sign in on the attendance sheet and indicate the section number of your usual session.

Please note: it typically takes one week for your attendance to be updated in Canvas. Students cannot earn more than one attendance point per week.

What should I consider before enrolling in MATH 1096 (SRS)?

  • Students enrolling in MATH 1096 (SRS) must commit to attend each week at the same time with the same tutor.
  • MATH 1096 (SRS) is Pass/Not Proficient course graded on attendance and participation. Students are encouraged to attend all sessions; however, you must attend at least 9 sessions to receive a Pass grade. 
  • Only students who can complete 9 sessions should enroll. 
  • Students who have found prior math classes challenging are strongly encouraged to enroll early, as seats are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Students will not be added to sections that are full. 
  • Please have multiple possible sections when attempting to enroll, as sections may be full.

How can I enroll in MATH 1096 (SRS)?

You can enroll in MATH 1096 (SRS) on Catalyst until registration closes. After registration closes, the MATH 1096 (SRS) Late Add Request form will begin accepting responses.

How can I apply to be an SRS Leader?

Visit the SRS Employment webpage to learn more about the positions.

Provide students the opportunity to enroll in a semester-long course focused on practicing problems and developing academic skills relevant to their mathematics or statistics course through active learning and peer-to-peer collaboration. Students participate in group work guided by an SRS Leader from the Learning Commons to complement the curriculum in the companion course. Students review essential prerequisite material, work on problems, present solutions, and discuss and correct solutions.ShapeShape

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