
Call for Undergraduate Presentations

Please read the information below regarding presentations at the 2024 symposium. After completing the first step of registration, each student registrant will complete an individual registration form (to be received in August) where they will be asked their preference for presentation and abstract information. Abstracts are due as a part of that form no later than September 30, 2024. 

Abstract Requirements

  • Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should provide a proofread synopsis of the research conducted or proposed. 
  • The abstract should include the name of all co-authors including the faculty member overseeing the research. By submiting an abstract to this symposium, you are recognizing that you have co-author permission to present this research at the symposium.
  • Title, Institution, and Field of Study should also be included. 

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentations will take place in the afternoon of November 2, 2024. Using slide software, students create a poster (minimum size 12” x 18”, maximum 36" x 48"), have it printed, and bring the printed poster to their assigned poster session and board. Poster assignments will be provided prior to the symposium. Signage with assignments and poster pins will be provided the day of the presentations. 

Podium Presentations

Podium presentations will take place concurrently on November 3, 2024.

Students create an eight-minute presentation using slide software and/or other visual aids at their discretion. After presenting, students become part of a panel that fields questions from the audience. 

Students are expected to be able to access the presentation virtually (through drive software) and physically (through a thumb drive/ USB).