Course Materials
We know buying course materials can be difficult to navigate. Helping UC students achieve academic success affordably is our primary goal.
UC Bookstores' five locations offer convenience and expert assistance on campus and online. Students can shop with confidence since UC Bookstores offer all required course materials in multiple formats and affordability options.
Students, find detailed information about Navigating Course Materials in your Bearcats Bound Orientation course in Canvas.
We know that students sometimes need to make changes in their schedules, which may require a book return. Don't worry! Our return policy follows the same deadline as the university's refund/drop deadline.
Course Materials vs. Textbooks
Course materials include textbooks, but also other types of materials professors choose for your courses. Examples include:
- Traditional print books
- Digital UC SmartBooks
- Access codes and courseware
- Custom packets
- Lab and studio supplies
Choosing Course Materials
Consider these factors:
- Faculty requirements
- Custom materials, only at UC Bookstores
- Available formats
- Long vs. short-term need
- Acquire to be prepared on day 1 of class
Create a strategy that works for you. Remember, you can mix and match strategies each semester to fit your budget and needs.
- Purchase new or used PRINT
- RENT new or used
- UC SmartBooks
- Buyback
- Borrow from classmate or library
It Says the Required Materials Are Included
Do you have a section note in a course that tells you the required material is included in your class fees? You don't have to shop for those materials!
UC Bookstores has a program that takes advantage of UC buying power, especially for large enrollment classes, so students do not need to buy their book/workbook/access code, etc. It is included with the semester course fee.
Big savings for students with this program - up to 40%!
When Materials Aren't in Schedule Yet
On the course schedule, if the materials are not yet available for order, student may click the "Email Me" button be notified when the materials information is added.
Price Comparisons
A sample selection of books prices based on different formats.
New Books - When you want to keep the book.
Digital UC SmartBooks - Access anytime, anywhere, on any device. Convenient, plus cost savings
Rental New/Used - When you don’t need the book after class is over. Write and highlight, and cost savings, too!
Used Books - Same book, better price, previously owned. Eco-friendly! Reduce, reuse, read used.