Parking Services
Welcome to the University of Cincinnati! At Parking Services, our goal is to make your parking experience on campus as seamless as possible. We understand that there is a lot of information to process when you’re learning to navigate a large, urban campus, so we’ve consolidated everything you need to know about parking on campus as a new student on this page.
The most important detail to know is that freshman can have cars, as long as they purchase a parking permit each semester.
Tips for Purchasing Parking
Buy Early
Because UC Uptown is a busy, metropolitan campus , the demand for parking is high and facilities will sell out. Explore parking options ahead of time so you are ready to purchase when permits go on sale. Rates vary depending on the garage, lot or campus. In addition to semester parking, evening-only and remote parking options are also available.
Fall semester parking permits will go on sale July 1.
Purchase Online
The cost for student permits will be added to your student bill through the Office of the Bursar. This is the only payment method available for student permits. A how-to video is available to walk you through the process. View student rates for the Academic Year.
Be sure to have vehicle information on hand when you’re ready to purchase your permit. You will need year, make, model, color, state and license plate number. You can register more than one car on your permit, however, only one vehicle can be parked at a time.
Keep Vehicle Information Updated
Keep vehicle information current throughout the year. This helps us ensure space for permit holders and makes it easier to contact you in case of emergency.
Having current vehicle information in your account will also avoid citations. Our license plate recognition database compares plate numbers against the permit database daily.
Consider a Fast Pass
Consider purchasing a Fast Pass during orientation for only $15 – a 50% savings! Fast Pass is a contactless and convenient way to get in and out of the garage quickly and hands free! The Fast Pass hangs from your vehicle’s mirror and engages a sensor when you pull into the garage, eliminating the need to scan your UC ID.
The one-time purchase is good during the entire time you are at UC. Fast Passes ordered online can be picked up in the Parking Services office, located in 4 Edwards Center, once you come to campus. The 50% off sale ends August 31. If you choose not to purchase a Fast Pass, you’ll need to scan your UC ID to enter and exit the garage.
A Few More Tips
- If permit holders arrive at their permitted garage and the sign says FULL, space is still available for permit holders. The FULL sign is directed towards visitors to campus.
- The permit holder is responsible for notifying the Parking Services office to cancel parking. Refunds for cancelled parking are made on a prorated basis. The refund deadline can be found on our website. No refunds are issued for permits revoked due to misuse.
- If students do not wish to purchase a permit, they do have the option to pay the daily rate in campus garages with cash or credit card.
Helpful Videos
How to Purchase a Parking Permit
How to Use a Parking Permit
More helpful videos include Updating Your License Plate and Life is Easier with a Fast Pass.
Our Message for Families
About Freshman Parking
Yes, freshmen can bring cars to campus. The real question is, do they really need it?
As an urban campus, almost everything students need is within walking distance. Many freshmen don't end up using their vehicles as much as they expected to, and their permit ends up being an expensive storage fee. Many alternative transportation campus and area options are available, including:
- Bearcat Transportation shuttle system
- NightRide Shuttle - a free, safe, after-hours option in the Uptown area
- UC*Metro program
- TANK - Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky
- Bearcats Bike Share and REDBIKE
- Zipcar
- Lime and Bird scooters
- Intercity options, including GoBus, Megabus, Barons Bus, and more.
One of the biggest factors influencing your decision may be how far away you are from campus and how frequently your student will want to go home.
Parking Services is located in 4 Edwards Center, 51 W Corry Boulevard. Normal offices hours are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
You can email us at parking@uc.edu or leave a message at 513-556-2283 and someone will return your call.
Visitors are welcome to park in most university parking garages. No permit is required - just pull a ticket on the way in and then process it at a paystation (credit cards are accepted at the gate). Fees are calculated based on the amount of time you are in the garage. Check out our visitor page for maps, clearance heights and more!