Frequently Asked Questions

You aren’t expected to prepare anything before you talk with an ombuds, but you may find it helpful to gather your thoughts—in writing or otherwise—so you can best express your concerns.
Initial appointments with the Ombuds Office will vary from person to person, but you can anticipate some predictable elements:

  • The Ombuds Office team member you are meeting with will begin by sharing a bit about the office, our standards of practice, and what you can anticipate from them. 
  • The Ombuds you meet with will answer any questions you have about the office before you share anything with us.
  • The Ombuds you meet with will invite you to share whatever feels important or relevant for you.
  • The Ombuds you meet with will likely ask a number of questions-- both to understand your experiences and begin to explore your needs and interests in the situation.
  • Together, we will work to identify and explore options.  
    • That you may feel better "just" by having us listen.
    • Sometimes, we may help point to or clarify relevant University policies and procedures or identify helpful resources. 
    • We might serve as a conflict coach, helping you develop talking points or a plan of action in that initial conversation and/or in subsequent conversations.
    • Sometimes we can help by serving as an impartial facilitator or intermediary. 
    • You and the Ombuds you meet with will discuss and weigh your options so that you can determine how you want to proceed. You are in the driver's seat.
Our responses vary for our unique visitors' individual situation and informed consent, so we may:
  • Listen, which may be all you want
  • Offer information about University of Cincinnati policies and procedures
  • Discuss concerns and clarify issues
  • Help identify and evaluate a range of options for resolving a problem
  • Gather information and offer referrals to other resources
  • Offer coaching, for example, to prepare for a difficult conversation
  • Facilitate communication
  • Work for collaborative agreements through mediation
  • Track perceived issues and trends
  • Make recommendations for institutional improvements

We will try our best to assist you, but there are some things we do not do:

  • Make decisions or findings of fact
  • Establish, change, or set aside policies
  • Offer legal advice
  • Offer psychological counseling
  • Participate in grievances or other formal processes
  • Serve as an agent of notice for the University
  • Serve as an advocate for any individual, department or agenda

Any time:

  • you want to address a concern early, before it escalates or worsens.
  • you are looking for informal and impartial assistance with a difficult or sensitive issue.
  • you need a neutral third party to listen to your concerns.
  • you seek guidance to effectively resolve a conflict on your own.
  • you are unsure of where else to go.
  • you are unclear about the University's policies and procedures and how they apply to you.
  • you want help in addressing an issue in a non-adversarial manner.
  • you feel you have been treated unfairly.
  • you need help to identify options.
  • Student financial aid and billing concerns
  • Undergraduate grade grievances
  • Course schedule difficulties
  • Academic misconduct complaints
  • Fee disputes
  • Discrimination
  • Campus housing concerns
  • Grievance procedures
  • Performance evaluations

For more information on these or other university policies, please visit our links to important UC Policies & Procedures

Any member of the university community can utilize the ombuds office. Including:

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students 
  • Post Docs
  • Alumni 
  • Parents & Families
  • Community Partners
  • Others with Unviersity-Related Concerns

Yes, you are welcome to email the Ombuds Office, but please note that email communications are not considered confidential and are subject to records requests.

Mediation is a voluntary, informal and confidential process in which trained, neutral mediators facilitate a conversation between disputing parties to assist them in finding common ground and a long term agreement to resolve the dispute.

Conflict Coaching is a one-on-one process that helps people effectively manage their own conflicts. The Ombuds provide confidential and impartial advice for the UC community.