Referrals Welcome
Add the Office of the University Ombuds to your resource toolkit! A referral may be useful when:
- you see someone struggling with a UC-related conflict,
- someone else’s UC-related situation is impacting the progress of a group you’re part of, or
- someone has asked for your guidance about a UC-related situation and:
- you’re uncertain about what policy, procedures, or resources are applicable,
- they need to talk through the situation and their options in a deeper way than your time allows, or
- you don’t believe you’re the best person to assist them.
Phrases that may be helpful when making a referral:
- “I’ve heard that the Ombuds Office is available to anyone who is working through a challenging UC-related situation.”
- “This seems like a situation you’d like to address before it gets bigger. Have you considered meeting with an Ombuds?”
- “I’ve heard really positive things about the Ombuds Office as a place that helps clarify challenging situations and open new options for next steps.”
- “I think the Ombuds Office might be helpful for you because...”
Want to talk through how to make a good referral within a specific context, see what the experience would be like before you refer someone, or offer us background information on the situation? Schedule a consultation just like an initial appointment.