The Women Helping Women on-campus advocates will be providing in-person services. Clients and campus partners can reach the Advocates by calling or texting 513-431-3807 from 9am-5pm or emailing hmalik@womenhelpingwomen.org. The campus Advocates office will be open 9am-5pm at 645C Steger Student Life Center.
Help for Student Victims & Student Survivors
This website is designed to provide resources for victims or survivors of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, gender-based harassment, or stalking. Staff are available 24-hours a day for confidential advice and assistance. Even if you are unsure what to do, call Counseling and Psychological Services at 513-556-0648 and you will be connected with a confidential counselor who will listen to you and help guide you as you figure out what you want to do next. There are a variety of resources to support you and help provide the assistance and services you need. This website outlines how to access those resources.
If you are a faculty or staff member who has been contacted by a student who has experienced sexual harassment in any form, please call the Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion at 513-556-3349. As a mandatory reporter, you are required to report these incidents.
The university does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its programs or activities. Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to the University of Cincinnati's Executive Director for Gender Equity and Inclusion, Adrienne Lyles.
Help for Student Victims & Student Survivors
For Information and Support: 513-556-0648
Call anytime to speak with a counselor who can also connect you with other confidential resources.
24-Hour Women Helping Women on-campus advocate helpline
For Information and Support: 513-381-5610
Call anytime to speak with an advocate who can also connect you with other confidential resources.
Contact the Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion
300 USquare
225 Calhoun St.
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0158
Hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm