Help for Student Victims and Student Survivors

It was not your fault. If you have been subjected to sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, gender-based harassment, and stalking) it's not your fault.

Ask for help: services are available

Help is available for you on campus and in the community. You can contact the following locations for support:

You may or may not want to report the incident, and there are options for doing this. The decision is up to you. Either way, services are available to you on or off campus.


If you have experienced sexual misconduct and would like to speak confidentially with someone about your reporting options, please consider contacting one of the confidential resources. The university will generally honor a complainant's request for confidentiality. However, complainants should be advised that this may limit the University's ability to respond fully to the report. Reports made to university employees other than those specifically identified as confidential sources must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, who will evaluate the report to determine whether action must be taken to protect the University community.

Take time to care for yourself

It is not uncommon to be physically and or emotionally traumatized. For your safety and well-being, you may want to seek medical attention. You can choose to go to University Health Services or Counseling & Psychological Services for care if you are having difficulty sleeping, eating, feeling anxious, or would like to speak about your experience in a confidential setting.

An advocate from the Women Helping Women On-Campus Advocates Office can support and accompany you. Please contact them at 513-556-4418 or go to 559 Steger Student Life Center. They assist all students, faculty, or staff regardless of gender or gender identity.

Do things at your own pace and in your own time

It is important to take things at your own pace and in your own time. It can be very easy to feel varying emotions in these situations. This is a good time to surround yourself with people who support you and understand your needs and honor your choices.