
The CARE Team responds to reports about students experiencing difficulties or whose behavior is raising concerns within the UC community. The team's responsibilities include gathering and sharing information, discerning concerns about a student within a setting or across multiple settings, and managing situations that encompass a variety of issues. The committee is charged to devise a coordinated plan for assessment, intervention, and management of the concerns for the students well-being and that of the UC community. Students who are deemed a threat to UC will be referred for further review by the Threat Assessment Group.

Submitting a CARE Report

Students, faculty, staff, and any member of the university community who interacts with students are in active positions to observe students whose behaviors may demonstrate distress affecting their overall well-being. Students should be referred if they show signs of potential threat of harm to self or others, or if they show signs of academic distress, emotional distress, or homelessness. Students should be referred as soon as these signs are recognized. 

Any member of the University community may contact the Associate Dean of Students or any committee member to express a concern. Any member of the committee already aware of a situation causing concern may request the Chair to convene the committee. The Chair will bring all reported concerns before the committee.

Faculty, staff or students concerned about the behavior of a student may report the behavior via a confidential form (linked below) that will be sent to the committee. The report requires a detailed account of why the person is concerned with specific examples of troubling behavior. Additionally, information is requested about whether the reporter has attempted to engage the student before reporting the concern. The person submitting the form will receive confirmation from the CARE Team acknowledging receipt of the report and seek additional information if needed.

If this is an emergency then you should dial 911.

Below are a list of signs that students may exhibit in a variety of distressing situations. This is not an exhaustive list, but some initial thoughts to consider. In any case, we encourage you to first submit a CARE report so that we can support the student and you in addressing the situations. We also recommend directly addressing your concern with the student regarding their well-being and offereing any supports you may be able to provide them. 

Potential Threat or Harm to Self/Others

  • History with mental health issues
  • Demonstrating signs of high levels of anxiety/stress
  • Signs of social withdrawal
  • Belief in violence as an appropriate way to manage problems
  • Signs of substance abuse

What Else Can You Do?

Academic Distress

  • Immediate decline in student's academic work (e.g., failing to turn in assignments, lower grades on exams/quizzes)
  • Decreased attendance
  • Refusal to respond to professors during frequent attempts at communication

Emotional Distress

  • Death of a family member or friend
  • Changes in student's personality, eating habits, and sleeping pattern
  • Increased social withdrawal and isolation
  • Signs of irritability and lack of concentration
  • Behavior reflecting feelings of hopelessness or helplessness

What else can you do?

Homelessness or Hunger

  • Student repeatedly wears same outfit
  • Student demonstrates physical signs of fatigue, and failing to eat
  • Student shows signs of not bathing, combing hair, and smelling body odor
  • Student mentions skipping a meal
What else can you do?
  • If student admits to homelessness provide resources including Bearcats Pantry, and additional on-campus resources for housing options

Emergency Situations

What can you do?
  • Immediately call University of Cincinnati Police Department by dialing 911
  • Be prepared to give UCPD details (who,what, where, when, why) about incident

CARE Team Process

The Associate Dean of Students chairs the core CARE Team and comprises representatives from Academic Excellence & Support Services, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), the University of Cincinnati Police Department, Student Conduct & Community Standards, Sr. Social Worker, and two Associate Directors.  Advisory CARE team members consist of a representative from Accessibility Resources, University Ombuds, Resident Education & Development, and a faculty representative per recommendation from Faculty Senate. Representatives from CAPS and the University Ombuds will serve as permanent consultants. Representatives from the branch campuses will be asked to join the CARE Team meeting when discussing branch campus students. The CARE Team seeks legal advice from the Office of General Counsel. The core CARE Team shall meet weekly for general meetings and ad hoc meetings, including advisory members, when there is a report of a specific concern for discussion.

  • Maintain contact and meet with students to address needs; conduct follow-up communication and meetings
  • Arrange for appropriate medical and mental health care
  • Monitor compliance with treatment plans and/or university behavioral expectations
  • Evaluate threat and assess safety to self and/or the community for appropriate referrals
  • Foster self-advocacy in students to manage their academic, personal and fiscal responsibilities
  • Advocate for students individually and systemically
  • The student referred will be assigned a Case Manager, who will contact the student and schedule an initial meeting with the student.
  • The Case Manager will discuss possible solutions with the student to determine what is the best course of action. Evaluation of action will be done on a student-by-student basis and may be ongoing.
  • A coordinated action strategy for students may include:
    • Referrals to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
    • Voluntary withdrawal from classes
    • Referral to disciplinary process
    • Interim measure such as interim suspension
    • Parental involvement
  • The Case Manager, where appropriate, will update the person submitting the report and provide guidance on the plan of action to support the student.

Generally, a temporary medical condition lasting less than 6 months is not regarded as a qualified disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and therefore does not qualify an individual for a disability accommodation. However, the University of Cincinnati will make reasonable efforts to support students with temporary impairments by providing temporary assistance when practicable. At times, a student’s temporary impairment may require the student to make adjustments to their schedules.  In those circumstances, a student may wish to take a medical leave of absence. Students with temporary impairments relating to pregnancy should contact the office of Gender Equity & Inclusion to discuss accommodations. 

The following are examples of impairments and assistance that may be available.  These examples are not intended to be an exhaustive list:

Examples of temporary impairments:

  • Broken leg
  • Broken arm
  • Injuries requiring surgery
  • Common health conditions (e.g. mononucleosis)

Examples of assistance that may be provided:

  • Scribe
  • Obtaining a temporary parking pass

Examples of assistance that will NOT be provided:

  • Transportation on campus (e.g. a golf cart)
  • Administering medical care

Procedure for Addressing Temporary Impairment Assistance

When a student experiences a temporary impairment, the student is encouraged to first work with the student’s instructors to find appropriate temporary assistance. The student should discuss the following with the instructors:

  1. Limitations caused by the temporary impairment
  2. The expected duration of the temporary impairment
  3. How the temporary impairment impacts class participation
  4. A plan to complete class requirements  

If a student finds it difficult to work with the instructors, the student may contact the CARE Team for guidance and support by submitting a request through the CARE Team web page. The CARE Team cannot guarantee that its participation will alter an instructor’s decision. Timely and open communication with instructors, the CARE Team, and other appropriate campus offices can often result in satisfactory solutions to the short-term issues caused by the temporary impairment. Additionally, providing documentation from your healthcare professional regarding your temporary impairment to your instructors or CARE Team may aid in processing your request. 

To request temporary assistance please submit a CARE Report. Under “Nature of this report”, choose Student of Concern (CARE Team).

Community Resources

Hamilton County Job & Family Services

Hamilton County Jobs & Family Services Website
222 E Central Pkwy
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 946-1000
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Talbert House

Talbert House Website
2600 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45206
(513) 751-7747

513-281-CARE (2273) or text Talbert to 839863 if in crisis or in need of immediate assistance. Available 24 hours-a-day.

Talbert House's mission is to improve social behavior and enhance personal recovery and growth. Available resources: adult behavioral health, community care, court & corrections, housing, and youth behavioral health

Mercy Professional Services

2330 Victory Parkway #500
Cincinnati, OH 45206
(513) 221-2330

  • Individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy
  • Bilingual therapists on staff (Spanish)
  • Private insurance or sliding fee scale

Life Point

(513) 345-8555

Various locations across Cincinnati, greater Cincinnati, and Northern KY

  • Call the main number to set up an appointment at any location
  • Brief therapy, 8-12 sessions
  • Private insurance or sliding fee scale

Catholic Social Services

(513) 241-7745

Various locations throughout Cincinnati area

  • Will provide between 15-20 sessions
  • Licensed counselors and social workers
  • Private insurance or sliding fee scale

Professional Pastoral Counseling Institute

8035 Hosbrook Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 791-5990

  • Sliding fee scale

Resident Psychotherapy Clinic

311 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45229
(513) 558-5825

  • $20 per session flat fee


  • Health insurance typically covers partial fees
  • Financial assistance available
  • Payment plans

Recovery Health Access Center

The Recovery Health Access Center (RHAC) is a service that has been developed for the residents of Hamilton County, Ohio. It is designed as a resource for anyone who has need for information or services related to alcohol and/or other drug use. RHAC offers information, referrals to treatment and preventions services, and clinical assessments for alcohol and other drug problems. Services are available for families, adults, and adolescents.

2828 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, OH 45291
(513) 281-7422

  • For students living on campus or in UC housing Cost - $240.53
  • For students living off campus - Sliding scale, based on income
  • Additional resource for those with insurance or who can afford to pay for services and who want to identify psychologists in their area: Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology, 513-779-2181

Bethesda Oak Alcohol/Drug Outpatient Treatment

  • Clifton & Blue Ash locations
  • Best serves individuals who can benefit from receiving treatment in either a day or evening intensive outpatient program while carrying on regular activities
  • Assessed first at Bethesda or Blue Ash location (assessment can also be done in lieu of in-person if comparable and referral relationship exists)
  • Group Sessions Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Our outpatient program can include medication-assisted treatment. In some cases, we prescribe medications to patients to treat mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms on an outpatient basis, and/or assist with recovery. Our medications can help treat addictions to drugs including alcohol and opiates such as heroin

Addiction Services Council

Addiction Services Council Website
2828 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219
Local: 513-281-7880
Kentucky: 859-415-9280

Central Access Point

Hotline for individuals to call and find next available beds in the area - (513) 381-7233

Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition

Center for Respite Care

(513) 621-1868

  • Process: Referral from doctor along with documentation stating medical issues, and doctor at Center will determine based on intake paperwork if their shelter best meets the need of the individual
  • For referral process contact: Pam Overton (nursing supervisor)

City Gospel Mission (Men's Shelter)

  • Call Central Access Point (CAPS) for availability (513) 381-7233
  • Individuals may come for beds at 3:30-4pm (beds typically filled by 5pm)
  • First come, first served based

Shelterhouse Cincinnati: David & Rebecca Barron Center For Men

  • No criteria for individual to access resources (shelter, food, clothing)
  • Shelter accepts walk-ins

The Swan House

Serves women who have been abused/battered, homeless, and experienced addiction
Religious affiliation: I Am Somebody Ministries


Drop-in shelter
Shelterhouse website
Goal: For men and women to transition into permanent housing within 30 days and an increase in income

  • David & Rebecca Baron Center for Men (18+) 150 Beds, 3 meals, case management support services
  • Esther Marie Hatton Center for Women (18+) 60 beds, 3 meals, case management support services

Tender Mercies

Multiple locations providing both on/off 24 hour care

  • 24-Hour Care Locations: Haven Hall, Dana Hotel, Harkavy Hall, Transitional Housing
  • No 24 Hour Care: Race Street Residence, New Morning House
  • All require $50 security deposit
  • Provided at least 1 meal a day: Resources (food pantry/soup kitchen) info given; Donated items also available within the house

Lighthouse Youth Services

  • Provides basic needs: food, toiletries, a shower and laundry facilities
  • Lunch served daily
  • Registered nurse able to provide basic health care & first aid
  • Coordinator available for resources: employment, substance abuse services, housing, mental health services

Mary Magdalen House

(513) 721-4811
Mary Magdalen House website
No housing options available
Available: shower, laundry, toiletries, receiving mail

Franciscan Haircuts from the Heart

Free haircuts to individuals experiencing homelessness.
(513) 381-0111

Get Mail

Mailboxes available for individuals needing physical address to receive mail.

Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition

Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition website
117 East 12th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 421-7803