Mental Health CARE Grant Fund

The Mental Health CARE Grant Fund is designed to provide enrolled students financial support to access mental health services.  These funds are intended to make Mental Health Services more accessible and to REDUCE various types of barriers.  The funding is not intended to replace existing resources, but to provide relief to financial restraints and stress.

Students with disabilities may qualify for financial support for college through the State of Ohio. Find more information at the OOD website or get in touch with UC's College2Career counselor by filling out an OOD Services Request

Mental Health CARE Grant Fund

Eligible Recipients: 

  • Students must be currently enrolled in classes.
  • Students do NOT need some form of financial hardship to apply.  
  • Students must complete a Mental Health Care Grant Fund application.
  • Students at all University of Cincinnati campuses and online programs are eligible.
  • Priority is given to students in good academic standing (2.0 undergraduate, 3.0 graduate and professional).
  • Maximum award is $2,500.00 and no minimal amount.
  • Must have a zero balance on their student account.
  • All eligible treatment and remedial services must have occurred during enrollment and beginning January 1, 2024 to present date.
  • Students are only eligible for one Medical emergency award per academic year. 

Examples of Mental Health Expenses:

  • In-Patient Hospitalization
  • Counseling and therapy sessions      
  • Counseling, therapy, and [psychiatry co-pays
  • Medications
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment and Psychological Assessment Fees
  • Childcare associated with attending medical appointments

Approved applications will be disbursed through direct deposit into the students bank account registered with the university within 2-3 working days from date of approval.  For students who do not have a direct deposit account, a check will be mailed to the address on file through the students records.

Apply through this link: Mental Health CARE Grant Fund Application


Please contact: Associate Dean of Students Daniel S. Cummins