Stop Campus Hazing
Hazing Prevention and Education
As members of the University of Cincinnati (UC) community, we all share the responsibility of building and maintaining an environment that recognizes the worth and potential of every individual and communicates respect among all members. Our success depends on our ability to work together in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.
At the University of Cincinnati, it is critical that all students, faculty, staff, and volunteers understand that hazing is not only unacceptable and a violation of University rules and policies but is also against the law.
University of Cincinnati’s Policy Against Hazing
Similar to our sexual misconduct and Title IX policies, the University has a stand-alone Anti-Hazing Policy that reiterates the strict prohibition against hazing while aligning with Collin’s Law. This policy applies to all student organizations and student groups, including but not limited to athletic teams, spirit groups, military organizations, honor societies, fraternities and sororities, musical or theatrical ensembles, bands, and clubs.
The policy states “Hazing shall be defined as participating in or allowing any or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act that creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. A forced or coerced activity shall also be considered hazing when the initiation or admission into, or continued affiliation with, a university organization is directly or indirectly conditional upon performing that activity. In no event shall the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity serve as a defense in cases of hazing."
All University employees (including part-time employees, student workers and graduate assistants) and volunteers acting in an official capacity who advise or coach student organizations and/or student groups, must report acts of hazing to law enforcement.
Reports can be made to UC Public Safety at 51 West Corry Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0215 or by calling 513-556-1111. For emergencies, call 911 immediately.
In conjunction with reporting acts of hazing to law enforcement, the University Community may also report hazing activities to:
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at 745 Steger Student Life Center or call 513-556-6814.
The Office of Parent and Family Programs at 630 Steger Student Life Center or call 513-556-1200 or email
Investigations Process
Allegations of hazing are investigated as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Collin’s Law
In 2021, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed Collin’s Law, Ohio’s Anti-Hazing Act. Collin's Law makes several changes to previous Ohio laws, including but not limited to:
Expands the definition of hazing and specifies that hazing may include “coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse."
Increases the penalty for hazing to a 2nd degree misdemeanor.
Expands the list of officials required to report hazing.
Widens the scope of those who can be punished for participating in or permitting hazing. (A violation that results in serious harm is a 3rd degree felony.)
Requires that those aware of hazing report it to authorities, with penalties up to a 1st degree misdemeanor for failing to do so.
Requires the Ohio Department of Higher Education to implement a statewide anti-hazing plan
- Requires staff and volunteers at colleges and universities to undergo training on hazing awareness and prevention.
Support for Victims of Hazing
If you are, or know other who are victims of hazing, please contact Counseling & Psychological Services for support. CAPS can connect you with other institutional and community resources.
What We’re Doing
The University of Cincinnati has provided hazing prevention and education for many years. Recently, a Hazing Prevention Taskforce has been formed to:
- Facilitate an annual review of hazing prevention strategies and incidents to identify gaps and needs
- Review recommendations regarding professional development opportunities centered on hazing for campus stakeholders
- Support and amplify social media and marketing efforts
Members of the taskforce include staff from the following units: Academic Advising, Athletics, Bearcat Bands, Counseling & Psychological Services, Dean of Students Office, First-Year Experience, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Gender, Equity, & Inclusion, Parent & Family Programs, Resident Education & Development, ROTC, Student Activities & Leadership Development, Student Conduct & Community Standards, Student Wellness Center, UCPD, students, and volunteers. For questions about the taskforce, please contact Dr. Nicole Mayo, Assistant VIce President for Student Affairs, or Dr. Kate Butler, Director of Fraternity & Sorority LIfe.
The University of Cincinnati's Bearcats Got Your Back campaign encourages students to work together to create a supportive, respectful campus community where all Bearcats can thrive and succeed. The campaign provides prevention education around alcohol and other drugs, gender-based violence, hazing, and mental health.
Online Training
In support of our university’s commitment to maintain a positive academic environment that is free of any form of hazing or harassment and to provide our community with the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill these responsibilities, students, faculty, staff, and volunteers are now required to complete an online training program.
It is important to note that students cannot participate in student organizations or university groups (athletics, marching band/performing arts, ROTC, etc.), and faculty, staff, and volunteers cannot support student organizations or university groups unless this training is completed.
If you have questions about this training, please contact
Past Organization Hazing Violations and Reports
Student organizations must honor community standards identified in the Bearcat Bond and reflected in the Student Code of Conduct.
The university publicly identifies organizations that, as a result of violations of the Student Code of Conduct, are currently on disciplinary status with the university.
Please note that groups with pending conduct matters will not be listed here until their case is resolved. For a list of organizations with past violations of the Student Code of Conduct, see Organizational Misconduct History & Transparency Report.
Additional resources
Hazing FAQs
Some activities that may be considered hazing are listed below. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.
· Any physical abuse expected of or inflicted upon another, including paddling, kicking, or punching in any form;
· Any strenuous physical activity expected of or inflicted upon another, including calisthenics or physical training as punishment;
· Creation of excessive fatigue, sleep deprivation, or interference with scholastic activities, including late night work sessions, meetings, or sleepovers;
· Physical and psychological shocks, including lineups, berating, verbal abuse, threats, and name calling;
· Sexual violations or other required, encouraged, or expected sexual activity, whether actual or simulated;
· Prolonged exposure to severe or inclement weather;
· Periods of silence or social isolation;
· Kidnapping, abandonment, or any other involuntary excursions;
· Wearing of uniforms or apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste;
· Engaging in degrading or humiliating games, activities, or stunts; including requiring, encouraging, or expecting individuals to carry, possess, or maintain objects or items;
· Requiring or compelling the consumption of liquid (including alcohol), food, drinks, or other substances;
· Servitude or placing another in a position of servitude, including requiring, encouraging, or expecting a new member to do the tasks of, or to do tasks for, an experienced member, or to address members with honorary or formal titles;
· Taking, withholding, or interfering with an individual’s personal property;
· Falsely leading an individual or individuals to believe that they will be inducted or initiated by participating in particular activities;
· Depriving an individual of any privileges of membership or affiliation to which one is entitled;
· Removing, stealing, taking, or damaging public or private property; and
· Requiring, encouraging, or expecting individuals to participate in activities that are illegal or unlawful or are not consistent with the group’s mission or values or the policies of the University, including the Student Code of Conduct.
Yes. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law Collins’ Law in 2021. Among other things, Collin’s Law makes general hazing a second-degree misdemeanor and, if the infraction involves drugs or alcohol, a third-degree felony.
The university’s primary concern is the health, safety, and welfare of its members. To maintain a safe and scholarly community, the university encourages students to report code of conduct violations and crimes involving a victim, including sexual misconduct.
To encourage reporting, the University of Cincinnati has the discretion not to pursue certain non-violent code violations such as use of alcoholic beverages or drugs related to the incident. Amnesty may be applied to parties, bystanders, witnesses, students, or student organizations who participate in the conduct process, or students who seek assistance for themselves or other students experiencing an alcohol and/or other drug- related emergency. Amnesty will be determined on a case-by-case basis, in an equitable manner so as not to interfere with the rights of the parties, at the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Students receiving amnesty may still be required to participate in an educational conference. Law enforcement and criminal charges are not applicable to Amnesty.
Following a proved allegation of hazing, individual members and officers of the organization may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and permanent dismissal from the university. Additionally, the student organization may lose its recognition/registration or face permanent disassociation from the University.
Hazing is not a problem exclusive to fraternities and sororities and takes place across all diverse types of groups. There have been incidences of hazing at universities with varsity athletic teams, club sports, intramural teams, religious groups, honor societies, ROTC, student organizations, and marching bands.
The “choice” to participate in an activity does not make the activity in accordance with hazing policies. In hazing situations, such a “choice” is typically offset by the peer pressure and power dynamics that exist when individuals are seeking to gain membership into an organization.
There are many safe alternatives to hazing. Our campus partners at StopHazing.Org provide great suggestions, including a downloadable document with a list of activities.