How to Vote With a Campus Address
1. Register to Vote
- To register to vote with a campus address, you must use a paper voter registration card
- You can access a PDF version of Ohio's voter registration card online
- You may fill this out virtually or by using a blue or black ink pen
- Be sure to mark down the physical address of your residence hall on your voter registration card (and not your mailing address)
- Don’t forget to check a box next to “I am”, and next to #1 and #2
- In box #8, be sure to write down your county (Hamilton), and not USA
- You will need to provide the last 4 digits of your social security number or your Ohio driver’s license or state ID number in box #10
- Don’t forget to sign and date at the bottom of the card
- Once you are finished, mail your card to the Hamilton County Board of Elections (4700 Smith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45212)
2. Educate Yourself
Nonpartisan Voter Guides:
- The League of Women Voters of Cincinnati Area offers a comprehensive nonpartisan voter guide for Hamilton County for most federal elections
- You can use this to learn more about the candidates and issues on the ballot
Sample Ballots:
- has served tens of millions of voters; by entering one’s home address on, voters can see ballot questions they will be voting on
- Hamilton County, Ohio residents can view their sample ballots via the Hamilton County Board of Elections
- Hamilton County Board of Elections also posts candidates lists and issues lists for elections about a month prior to the election
3. Vote
- There are 3 ways to vote in Ohio:
- Voting early in-person:
- Early voting occurs at the Hamilton County Board of Elections (4700 Smith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45212) starting on October 8
- View the early voting schedule via the Ohio Secretary of State's website
- You must bring a valid form of ID to vote in-person (state of Ohio ID or passport are recommended)
- Voting by mail:
- Complete, print, and sign the absentee ballot application and drop it off at or mail it to the Hamilton County Board of Elections (4700 Smith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45212)g
- Be sure to note down your physical address and your mailing address on your absentee ballot application
- Fill your ballot out immediately and be mindful of the number of stamps you will need for your voted ballot (1 stamp per per page); you can buy stamps from the checkout counter on the 3rd floor of the UC Bookstore in TUC OR from the Corryville Post Office (2917 Short Vine)
- Voting on Election Day:
- Polls in Ohio are open from 6:30AM-7:30PM on Election Day
- Be sure to vote at the correct polling location:
- Those who are registered to vote at the following locations will vote at Langsam Library on Election Day:
- Dabney
- University Park Apartments
- Calhoun
- Siddall
- Campus Rec Hall
- Marian Spencer Hall
- Morgens Hall
- Turner Hall
- Schneider Hall
- Those who are registered to vote at the following locations will vote at New Nazarene Baptist Church on Election Day:
- Stratford Heights
- The Deacon
- Those who are registered to vote at the following location will vote at Corryville Rec Center on Election Day:
- University Edge Apartments
- Those who are registered to vote at the following location will vote at the Corryville Public Library on Election Day:
- 101 E Corry
- Those who are registered to vote at the following locations will vote at Langsam Library on Election Day:
- Note that you must bring a valid form of ID to vote in-person on Election Day (state of Ohio ID or passport are recommended)
- It is a good idea to bring anything you might need while you wait in line (water, snacks, etc.).
- You may have to wait in line to vote. If you are in line to vote at 7:30PM (Ohio), do NOT leave the line! You have the right to stay in line as long as you need to.
- If you do not have an acceptable form of voter ID or if they aren't able to find you in their system, know that you have a constitutional right to fill out a provisional ballot. Your provisional ballot will count if the Board of Elections verifies your OH driver's license or state ID number or the last 4 digits of your social security number. Do not leave without filling out a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots must be cured with the county's Board of Elections by the 4th day after an election.
- If you experience issues while voting, or if you need voting information, consider calling the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE (English), 1-888-Ve-Y-Vota (Spanish), 1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic), 1-888-API-VOTE (Asian & Pacific Islander languages).
- Voting early in-person: