Feedback & Complaints

At UC Testing Services, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch services that meet the highest standards. Your feedback is crucial to us, and if you believe we haven't fully met your needs, we encourage you to let us know. We are committed to addressing any issues or concerns you may have in a fair and timely manner.

Please let us know your feeback using our Feedback Form!


How can I make a complaint?

If your experience with UC Testing Services has not met your expectations, we encourage you to to submit a written complaint using the designated form. We are usually well-equipped to address and resolve your issue directly, or we'll do our best to point you in the right direction.

For a swift resolution, we recommend submitting your complaint as soon as possible. Prompt reporting allows us to gather all necessary information efficiently and provide a thorough response. Ideally, we ask that you contact us on the day of your test or before the results are released.

Who should make the complaint?

A complaint can be made by anyone who is directly affected, or by someone acting on their behalf. For instance, if the affected person is a child under 18, a parent or guardian can submit the complaint on their behalf.

What kinds of complaints can I make?

We welcome you to contact us about any service we offer, but some issues cannot be resolved at our center's level.

Things we can handle directly include:

  • an issue with the way your test experience was conducted on test day
  • inappropriate staff and/or test taker conduct
  • issues with your testing environment
  • problems with UC Testing Accommodation services

We are unable to directly assist you with the following issues: 

  • Registrations problems for PearsonVUE, ETS, Meazure Learning, or Prov exams
  • Issues surrounding test results or results releases
  • Requested test appointments that your faculty have denied.

For these problems, you should consult your test sponsor or instructor directly. If you're not sure who that is, contact us, and we will help you.  

How will my complaint be handled?

At UC Testing Services, we are committed to continually enhancing our services. We aim to address your complaint promptly and effectively at the first point of contact. You can expect to be treated with fairness and courtesy throughout the process.

In cases that require more detailed investigation, your complaint may be referred to other relevant staff or faculty. If this happens, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days and provide a comprehensive response within 20 working days.

If resolving your complaint within 20 working days is not feasible, our team will inform you and discuss a revised timeline for resolution.

Making a Complaint

Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible to ensure a thorough investigation, as delays may impact our ability to gather necessary information due to data retention and privacy policies.

Please use the designated form to submit your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled, our response will include details on how to escalate the issue and the next steps.