Credit by Exam

  • External Exams: This option does not require a PLA Application, but may require examination fee(s), depending on the type of exam. 
    • External Exams include CLEPDSST and other exams that are created by external (non-UC) organizations. Please visit the specific exam web site for registration information. Please visit the UC Admissions web page for CLEP and DSST Credit Keys.
  • Internal Exam: This option requires a PLA Application and Fee of $180.00. Internal Exams are created by UC academic departments and allow students to earn PLA credit by achieving a certain minimum score on the exam. Once you have submitted your PLA application and fee, via this web site, the Testing Services office will contact you to schedule your exam.
    • EECE1080C/CS1021C CbE: This option requires a Fee of $83.50. Students may earn credit toward graduation by successfully completing this two part exam. The credit does not affect the student’s GPA, but does count as hours toward graduation. Students must be matriculated in a college at UC with a declared major, must be currently enrolled, and in good standing (2.00 or higher cumulative grade point average). Available for those courses not currently registered for, not previously audited, or failed. Please contact Professor Wen-Ben Jone prior to scheduling the exam (