Portfolio Review

The Portfolio Review Process involves the identification, documentation, assessment and recognition of learning acquired through formal and informal study. This may include work and life experience, training, independent study, military experience, volunteering, travel, hobbies and families experiences.

The requirements for requesting a Portfolio Review are:

  • Students must speak with their advisor prior to applying for Portfolio Review to ensure that the credits will count toward their degree.
  • Students must be matriculated in a college at the University of Cincinnati with a declared major.
  • Students must be currently enrolled and in good standing (2.00 or higher cumulative grade point average).
  • Students may request Portfolio Review only for those courses for which they are not currently registered or have not previously audited or failed.
  • Students must complete all paperwork requirements, including a statement of competency and a completed application packet. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  • Students must pay all applicable application fees.

Important considerations:

  • The evaluation process can sometimes be a lengthy one. Complete portfolios will be reviewed within five weeks of submission.
  • Portfolio Review, like other forms of PLA, is not considered toward the college residency requirement.

What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a document or collection of documents that shows evidence of the knowledge gained by the student. The knowledge must directly relate to the learning objectives of the course for which the student is applying. The following types of documentation may be used as part of a Portfolio:

  • Letters from employers clearly stating the skills learned from job duties
  • Certificate(s) of completion of workshops or trainings attended
  • Certificate(s) of completion of online, non-credit courses
  • Completed projects or work, with detailed descriptions, examples and references (links, screen shots, demonstrations)
  • Any documentation specified by the student's program.

Students are free to use these or other documentation to provide clear evidence of their knowledge.

Exemplary PLA Portfolio Example.

Guidelines for the IT PLA Portfolio.

If you don't see your desired course listed, please reach out to our office, we are constantly adding courses for your convenience.