RecRe Lockers

Set of lockers using QR codes to make items available for free rental

Looking for something to do?  Forgot your charger?   We've got you covered!  

TUC now has RecRe Lockers that offer a variety of items for the UC community to rent at no cost. Most items are available to rent for up to 2 hours at a time.

RecRe Lockers are located on Level 300 in the Atrium.

How does it work?

Simply scan the QR code on the set of lockers containing the item you want to rent. On your first use, you'll need to create an account, but after that, it’s simple! Just scan and go.

Items Available at TUC

Outdoor Activities

  • Football
  • Soccer Ball
  • Slammo
  • KanJam

Board Games

  • SkipBo Cards
  • Deck of Playing Cards
  • Uno
  • Clue
  • What do you Meme?
  • Jenga

Misc. Items

  • Umbrella
  • Portable Phone Charger
  • Scientific Calculator with Graphic Functions
  • Collapsible Folding Wagon

RecRe Around Campus

The University of Cincinnati offers a variety of RecRe boxes around campus, each with a unique selection of inventory. Find the right RecRe box for you below!