Returning Students
Each semester, you must apply through Catalyst to utilize your benefits at UC. You will not be able to apply for benefits until after you have signed up for your courses.
The online benefits application takes a snapshot of your Catalyst database information at the time of submission. Do not submit your application until your program is correct and your schedule is finalized.
Course Certification for Veteran Benefits
- On the Student Homepage on Catalyst, you will click on the Quick Links & Helpful Contacts window, located on the upper right-hand corner.
- On the next page, look for the UC VA Benefits Application on the lower left-hand side of the page.
- Next, choose the term that you wish to apply for benefits.
- Next select the VA benefits chapter that applies to you (30,31,33,35,1606).
- Next, answer all of the questions that apply to you. Note: if you are utlizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33), you will put the percentage amount awarded by the VA for the Post 9/11 GI Bill; NOT your disability rating (if applicable). Please check your Certificate of Eligibility to verify your eligibility percentage.
- If you have any additional documents that you wish to upload (COE, VR&E Application, Yellow Ribbon Application, etc...) you will add those documents when prompted.
- Next, you will read and check off each box next to the statement.
When you are ready to submit your application, you will click on the "Submit" button; If you want to wait to submit your document, you can click on the "Save" button and return to the application at a later time.