
As you embark on this new experience as a Bearcat, we hope your first few weeks on campus set the stage for your college career. We hope you are just as excited to be at UC as we are to have you here! 

Bearcats Welcome features signature events hosted by Student Affairs tons of events, from social to educational, and from optional to required. Don’t miss out on all the fun. Events will be shared on the GetInvolvedUC page and the Corq app. Don’t have a smartphone? No worries! We’ll also have an online schedule for you to view. All events are open to the entire campus community unless noted in the description. Follow us @uc_studentaffairs, @uofcincy, and @uc_involvement for more information!


The Bearcat Bond

Bearcats Welcome Schedule

There are a variety of events to attend during Bearcats Welcome! This year, our programs will expand over the first three weeks of the semester. Don’t miss out on all the fun! You can also view all events on GetInvolvedUC and the complimentary mobile app, Corq.

Transportation & Accessibility

The University of Cincinnati and City of Cincinnati are accessible through the UC Shuttle System and Cincinnati public transit system, Cincinnati Metro. UC Shuttle is available and easily tracked through the TRANSLOC app. The Cincinnati Metro partners with the University of Cincinnati to offer a discount to all students and employees for rides.


Schedule key

Student Affairs Sponsored Activity

These events are hosted by the Division of Student Affairs, offering key programs and opportunities to connect with campus resources. Events not sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs are provided by student groups or other campus-affiliated organizations, offering a range of activities for all students.

Required Activity *Required for all first year students

These events are mandatory for all participants. Please ensure you attend as part of your Welcome Week experience.

Auditory stimulation

This event may involve activities with auditory stimulation such as loud sounds, noise, and music

Large groups

This event may involve activities with large amounts of social engagement in groups, teams, or crowds

Visual stimulation

This event may involve activities with visual stimulation, such as use of lights, colors, flashing/strobe lighting

Physical activity

This event may involve activities with physical activity, such as running, jumping, dancing, or other movements

Optional alternative activity

This event has an alternative method of participation such as a viewing location or alternative way to engage with the activity

Tuesday, August 20

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Live Music @ USquare

USquare Plaza

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Move-In Munchies

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

1 - 4 pm | National Lemonade Day Tabling

Bearcats Pavillion

Host: Sodexo

4 - 6 pm | Pizza & Volleyball

Bearcats Commons

Host: Christian Students @ UC (Registered Student Organization)

7 - 9 pm | Trivia

TUC Great Hall

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

9 - 11 pm | Glow & Graeter's

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

Wednesday, August 21

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

11 am - 2 pm | Meet the Dietitian Tabling

Bearcats Pavillion

Host: Sodexo

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Live Music @ USquare

USquare Plaza

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Move-In Munchies

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

12 - 2 pm | International Student Welcome

Valentine Plaza

Host: UC International

2 - 4 pm | Puppies & Popsicles

UC Mainstreet

Host: Campus Outreach (Registered Student Organization)

4 - 6 pm | Photo Scavenger Hunt

Bearcats Commons

Host: CRU Ministry (Registered Student Organization)

7 pm - 9 pm | RecFest

Campus Recreation Center

7 - 9 pm | Calhoun/Siddall First Year Connect

Calhoun Hall Terrace Patio

Host: Campus Outreach (Registered Student Organization)

9 - 11 pm | Late Night Movie: Ratatouille (2007)

Nippert Stadium

10 pm - 12 am | World Cup

Sheakley Lawn

Host: UC Young Life (Registered Student Organization)

Thursday, August 22

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Live Music @ USquare

USquare Plaza

11:30 am - 1:30 pm | Move-In Munchies

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

1:30 - 3:30 pm | Student Wellness Center Open House

480 Steger Student Life Center

2 - 3 pm | Outdoor Yoga Flow

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Campus Recreation Center
Note: Spots are limited! You must sign-up for the Outdoor Yoga Flow by registering through IMLeagues. Instructions on how to register with IMLeagues.

3:30 - 5 pm | Commuter Student Welcome

Commuter Student Lounge, Steger Student Life Center 645

4 pm | Residence Hall Floor Meetings

Location: Your Residence Hall

*required for all students living in a residence hall
: Resident Education & Development (RED)

6 pm | Bearcats Kickoff *Required for all first year students

Fifth Third Arena

Bearcats Kickoff is a MANDATORY program for all First Year Students! This is your formal welcome from the University of Cincinnati and you won't want to miss all of the fun, energy, and opportunity to participate. President Pinto will give remarks and your formal celebration of being a Bearcat! Read details about Bearcats Kickoff. These will also be sent to your email. 
Host: Commencement Office & Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

6:30 - 8:30 pm | First Year Feast

Center Court

Host: Sodexo

7 pm | Bearcat Band Preview Show

Nippert Stadium

Host: Bearcat Bands

8 - 10 pm | Deep Fried Oreos & Games

Sheakley Lawn

Host: UC Young Life (Registered Student Organization)

8 pm - 11 pm | Welcome Home: Cincinnati Celebration

Sigma Sigma Commons

Welcome Home, Bearcats!! We are so excited to have you here - at the University of Cincinnati and in the city of Cincinnati. Join us for a welcome to Cincinnati event and a celebration of all of the best parts of Cincinnati. Whether a special and unique part of Cincinnati, such as Skyline Chili or LaRosa's pizza, or a local opportunity in the community, we would invite you to join us and get to know aspects of the area.
Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

9 - 11 pm | Welcome Back Bonfire

339 Probasco Street, Cincinnati, OH, 45221

Host: Chabad at UC (Registered Student Organization)

Friday, August 23

9 am - 4 p.m. | College Day *Required of all first year students

Your Academic College

Be sure to read details about College Day. These will also be sent to your email!

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

5 - 7 pm | Involvement Fair

Gettler Stadium

Host: Center for Student Involvement & Student Activities Board (Registered Student Organization)

9 - 10:30 pm | PAC Night of Comedy

Fifth Third Arena

Artist: Marcello Hernandez (Saturday Night Live)
Note: This is a ticketed event and ticket sales CLOSE on Thursday, August 22 at 9:00 pm. You must RSVP on GetInvolvedUC through the "PAC Night of Comedy" Event Page in order to attend. All RSVP's must be submitted by Thursday, August 22 by 9:00 pm. Anyone without a ticket (without RSVPing "YES") will not be permitted entry. Doors Open at 7:00 pm and show will begin at 9:00 pm. No one will be permitted without a previous "YES" RSVP.
: Programs & Activities Council (Registered Student Organization)

10 pm - 12 am | Late Night Pancakes

 2715 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45221

Host: H2O (Registered Student Organization)

Saturday, August 24

10 am - 12 pm | Big Queer Welcome

10 am - 12 pm | Big Queer Welcome

TUC Fourth Floor

Host: LGBTQ+ Center

10 am - 4 pm | Thrifty Move-In & Buses to IKEA

Teacher Dyer Complex Courtyard & University Circle

Host: CECH Student Services, UC International, The Graduate College, Bearcats Pantry & Resource Center

As a part of this event, transportation will be provided to/from IKEA in the schedule listed below. You must RSVP (if spots are available) to attend. Bus departs campus and then departs IKEA at the times indicated below.
Slot 1: Leave Campus at 9:30 am; Leave IKEA at 11:45 am
Slot 2: Leave Campus at 10:15 am; Leave IKEA at 12:30 pm
Slot 3: Leave Campus at 11:00 am; Leave IKEA at 1:15 pm
Slot 4: Leave Campus at 11:45 am; Leave IKEA at 2:00 pm
Slot 5: Leave Campus at 12:30 pm; Leave IKEA at 2:45 pm
Slot 6: Leave Campus at 1:15 pm; Leave IKEA at 3:30 pm
Slot 7: Leave Campus at 2:00 pm; Leave IKEA at 4:15 pm
Slot 8: Leave Campus at 2:45 pm; Leave IKEA at 5:00 pm

1:30 pm - 5 pm | Akwaaba: Black Student Welcome

TUC Fourth Floor

3 - 6 pm | H2O Dodgeball Tournament

Tennis Courts

Host: H2O (Registered Student Organization)

6 - 8 pm | First Year Connect

Clifton Court

Host: Christian Students @ UC (Registered Student Organization)

7 - 9 pm | Welcome Home: Worldwide Welcome

Nippert West Pavillion

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs, Ethnic Programs & Services, UC International, IPALS (Registered Student Organization)

Note: All are welcome to attend for a student organization resource fair of organizations representing various cultures; snacks from vendors around Cincinnati representing various cultural foods; and a cultural fashion show! If you're interested, come dressed in traditional cultural dress to celebrate your heritage. Complete this form is interested!

9 - 10:30 pm | Silent Disco

Sigma Sigma Commons

10 pm - 12 am | Late-Night Pancakes

2715 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45221

Host: H2O (Registered Student Organization)

Sunday, August 25

9 - 11 am | National Banana Split Day

On the Green in Marian Spencer

Host: Sodexo
Note: Available wihle supplies last

10:30 am - 1 pm | H2O Kickoff

Probasco Auditorium 210

Host: H2O (Registered Student Organization)

11 am - 1 pm | Soccer & Snow Cones

Sheakley Lawn

Host: UC International & IPALs (Registered Student Organization)

11 am - 1 pm | Campus Outreach Kickoff

TUC 220 Cinema

Host: Campus Outreach (Registered Student Organization)

11 am - 1 pm | Sunday Fellowship & Meet and Greet


Host: Christian Students @ UC (Registered Student Organization)

10 am - 12 pm | The Salt Company Lunch

Mercy Hill Church (244 Southern Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45219)

Host: The SALT Company (Registered Student Organization)

5 - 7 pm | Flag Football & Ultimate Frisbee

Sheakley Lawn

Host: Christian Students @ UC (Registered Student Organization)

9 - 11 pm | Glow in the Dark Frisbee

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: The SALT Company (Registered Student Organization)

Monday, August 26

8:30 am - 2 pm | Find My Classroom

Mainstreet (Outside of TUC) & Across from the Mantei Center

Host: Undergraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization)

9 am - 12 pm | First Day of School Photos & Coffee

Mainstreet (in front of Steger Student Life Center)

12 pm - 1 pm | Skyline Lunch (first 150 student attendees) at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Outdoor Commons

1 - 5 pm | PAC Welcomes You Back & National Cherry Popsicle Day

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Programs & Activities Council (Registered Student Organization) & Sodexo
Note: Popsicles available while supplies last

1:30 - 3 pm | International Student Pantry Drive


4 - 7 pm | Welcome Back BBQ

Hillel at 2615 Clifton Avenue

Host: Cincinnati Hillel Jewish Student Center (Registered Student Organization)

6 - 8 pm | BBQ Dinner

Bearcats Commons

Host: Christian Students at UC (Registered Student Organization)

Tuesday, August 27

8:30 am - 2 pm | Find My Classroom

Mainstreet (Outside of TUC) & Across from the Mantei Center

Host: Undergraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization)

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

11 am - 1 pm | Pancake Bar

Hillel at 2615 Clifton Avenue

Host: Cincinnati Hillel Jewish Student Center (Registered Student Organization)

11 am - 2 pm | Bearcats Take Care

UC Mainstreet

3 - 6 pm | Women’s Welcome

Nippert West Pavilion

5 pm - 7 pm | Glow Golf at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Eastgate Mall

5:30 - 7:30 pm | Mini Succulent Painting

Library Commons

Host: Engineers Without Borders (Registered Student Organization)

7 - 9 pm | Residence Block Party

Sigma Sigma Commons

8 - 9:30 pm | The Plunge

Bearcats Commons

Host: H2O (Registered Student Organization)

Wednesday, August 28

8:30 am - 2 pm | Find My Classroom

Mainstreet (Outside of TUC) & Across from the Mantei Center

Host: Undergraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization)

9 am - 11 am | Blossim Donut Truck at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Outdoor Commons

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

10:30 am - 4 pm | Wellness Wednesday


Host: Sodexo

11 am - 3 pm | UC Farmer's Market

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Undergraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization)

11:30 am - 1 pm | Veterans Welcome & Lunch

Veterans Lounge (TUC 403)

3 - 5 pm | Plants & Pups

Bearcats Commons & TUC Great Hall (Heat Advisory Location Change!)

3:30 - 5 pm | Living Learning Community Welcome

Outside Marian Spencer Hall

5 - 7 pm | Bible Study & Sports

TUC 417

Host: Christian Students at UC (Registered Student Organization)

6 - 8 pm | Great American Cookout

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: The SALT Company (Registered Student Organization)

7 - 9 pm | Water Sponge Dodgeball

Bearcats Commons

Host: Alpha Omega (Registered Student Organization)

8:30 - 10:30 pm | Late Night Movie - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Nippert Stadium

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs & Star Wars Club (Registered Student Organization)

Thursday, August 29

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

11:30 am - 1 pm | Veterans Welcome & Lunch

Veterans Lounge (TUC 403)

12 - 2 pm | AAPI Student Welcome

Nippert West Pavillion

2 pm - 3 pm | Self-Defense Clinic at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Student Activity Center

4 pm - 6 pm | Sand Volleyball Tournament

Dabney Sand Volleyball Courts

Host: Campus Outreach (Registered Student Organization)

5 pm - 8:30 pm | NPHC Declassified

TUC Great Hall

6 - 9 pm | Bearcats Carnival

Eden Commons (East Campus)

Note: Eden Commons is located on East Campus in the lawn between Health Sciences Building and Kowalewski Hall
Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

8 - 10 pm | The Salt Company Kickoff

Mercy Hill Church (244 Southern Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45219)

Host: The SALT Company (Registered Student Organization)

Friday, August 30

10 am - 1 pm | New Graduate Student Welcome & Orientation 

TUC 465 Great Hall, TUC 499N, TUC 400 ABC

Note: Please register through the Graduate College!
Host: UC Graduate College

9 am - 2 pm | OIS Cybersecurity Trivia Booth

UC Mainstreet

Host: Office of Information Security

4 - 6 pm | Fun on the Field

Bearcats Commons

Host: Programs & Activities Council (Registered Student Organization), Undegraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization), Student Activities Board (Registered Student Organization), Student Alumni Council (Registered Student Organization)

5:30 - 9 pm | Welcome Back Shabbat

Hillel at 2615 Clifton Avenue

Host: Cincinnati Hillel Jewish Student Center (Registered Student Organization)

6 - 8 pm | Young Adult Meeting (YAM)

Clifton Court Hall, Room 1120 & 1130 

Host: Christian Students at UC (Registered Student Organization)

Bearcats in the City: Labor Day Weekend Activities

Various Locations throughout the City of Cincinnati!

Explore the City of Cincinnati with a variety of events happening in the city!
Friday, August 30:
Friday Flow - Live, free R&B music at Washington Park
Indie Friday - Live, free music at Foundtain Square, featuring local acts Madqueen, Black Owls, and King Buffalo
Cincinnati River Front - Enjoy a walk down Cincinnati River Front and explore this accessible area

Saturday, August 31

Bearcats in the City: Labor Day Weekend Activities

Various Locations throughout the City of Cincinnati!

Explore the City of Cincinnati with a variety of events happening in the city!
Saturday, August 31:
Findlay Market - Explore this iconic downtown market; Open 8 am-6 pm
REDS Game & Concert - Game begins at 7:15 pm; Ticket sales start at $15.00

2:30 Kickoff | Football: Cincinnnati vs. Towson

Nippert Stadium

Sunday, September 1

9 - 11 am | Chicken & Waffles Brunch

On the Green in Marian Spencer Hall

Host: Sodexo
Note: Available while supplies last

Bearcats in the City: Labor Day Weekend Activities

Various Locations throughout the City of Cincinnati!

Explore the City of Cincinnati with a variety of events happening in the city!
Sunday, September 1:
American Sign Museum - Explore this unique museum near West Campus, and specific to the Cincinnati area; Open 10 am-4 pmTickets are $20 per person
Western & Southern WEBN Fireworks and Riverfront Festival - Celebrate Labor Day Weekend with the City of Cincinnati from 12 pm-11 pm; Admission is free

5 - 7 pm | Flag Football & Ultimate Frisbee

Sheakley Lawn

Host: Christian Students at UC (Registered Student Organization)

Monday, September 2

Bearcats in the City: Labor Day Weekend Activities

Various Locations throughout the City of Cincinnati!

Explore the City of Cincinnati with a variety of events happening in the city!
Monday, September 2:
Cincinnati Zoo - Explore Cincinnati's local zoo, known for the famous Hipppos; Open from 10 am-5 pm and tickets start at $17
Roebling Suspension Bridge - Explore Cincinnati's neighbor across the river, Covington, KY by walking across the Roebling Suspension Bridge to explore shops, parks, restaurants, and various murals

Tuesday, September 3

9 am - 12 pm | Donut & Coffee Truck for Students on East/Medical Campus

Eden Avenue & Panzeca Way (East/Medical Campus)

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs 

10 am - 12 pm | Coffee Truck for Residents in CP Cincy & The Union

CP Cincy & The Union

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

11 am - 2 pm | Off Campus Housing Fair

Bearcats Commons

Host: Undergraduate Student Government (Registered Student Organization)

12 - 2 pm | Bienvenidos: Latine Student Welcome

Nippert West Pavillion

2 - 4 pm | Coffee Truck for Residents in University Park Apartments

University Park Apartments

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

6 pm - 8 pm | Cookout & Games

Campus Green / Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: Campus Outreach (Registered Student Organization)

Wednesday, September 4

10 am - 12 pm | Coffee Truck for Residents in University Edge

University Edge

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

10 am - 12 pm | Center for Student Involvement Open House

Steger Student Life Center, 455

10:30 am - 2:30 pm | Accessibility Resource Fair

Sigma Sigma Commons

12 pm - 1 pm | Cookies and Canvas at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Snyder Room #153

1 - 3 pm | Coffee Truck for Residents in Jefferson House & 101 Corry Street

Jefferson House & 101 Corry Street

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

1 - 4 pm | Part-Time Job Fair

TUC Great Hall

Host: College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies

4 - 6 pm | Hangs on the Green

Sigma Sigma Commons

Host: The Salt Company (Registered Student Organization)

6 - 7 pm | Drag Queen Bingo

TUC 465 Great Hall

7 - 9 pm | Cannon Ball Contest

Campus Recreation Center (Lap Pool)

8 - 9 pm | Climbing Wall Twister

Campus Recreation Center

8:30 - 10:30 pm | Late Night Movie - Inside Out 2 (2024)

Nippert Stadium

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs & Bearcat Support Network (Registered Student Organization)

Thursday, September 5

10 am - 1 pm | RED on the Road (Findlay Market)

Findlay Market; Meet at Marian Spencer Circle

11 am - 1 pm | Welcome Back from Parking Services

Daniels Street

Host: UC Parking Services

11 am - 2 pm | Commuter Student Lounge Open House

Commuter Student Lounge, Steger Student Life 645

1 pm - 2 pm | Ice Cream Build-a-Sundae at UC Clermont

UC Clermont Outdoor Commons

2 - 4 pm | Coffee Truck for Residents in USquare


Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

10 pm - Midnight | Late Night at Nippert

Nippert Stadium

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

Friday, September 6

9 - 11 am | Coffee Truck for Residents in Bellevue Gardens & The Eden


Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs and Residence Education & Development

10 am - 1 pm | Student Affairs Resource Fair

Mainstreet, In front of Steger 630

Host: Bearcats Welcome Committee/Division of Student Affairs

Saturday, September 7

9 am - 12 pm | Sober Tailgate

UC Mainstreet; In front of Campus Recreation Center

Noon Kickoff | Football: Cincinnnati vs. Pitt

12 pm Kick-Off | Cincinnati v. Pittsburgh Football Game

Nippert Stadium

Sunday, September 8


The Bearcats Welcome team is committed to providing full access to all of our programs and services for participants with access needs. If you require accessibility accommodations to fully participate in Bearcats Welcome programs, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources by email for assistance.


Get Involved on Campus

GetInvolvedUC is like having an involvement fair every day. It's an online community for UC students to discover opportunities to get involved on campus, join and manage student organizations, and see campus events. You can even request to join organizations through GetInvolvedUC.

Edit your profile: Personalize your profile. Change your preferred name and pronouns, update your privacy and notification settings, and declare your interests.

Download CORQ: CORQ is a mobile app that allows you to discover amazing events and groups around campus from your favorite mobile device. You can filter events for free food and giveaways. Download CORQ in the App Store or Google Play

Event Passes: Many campus events require checking in with your personal event pass. Open CORQ, sign in and go to your profile. Select 'Event Pass’ from the menu. Save it to your phone’s wallet to check in to events quickly.