Request a Presentation
Our Peer Educators will be happy to provide presentations on a variety of health and wellness topics during your class or student org meeting time. Schedule one now!
The Student Wellness Center Peer Educators can deliver an in-person or virtual presentation of your choice to your group or class. Presentations include topics such as alcohol, mental health, sexual health, general health and wellness, financial wellness, nutrition & fitness, stress management, tobacco & drugs, and gender-based violence prevention. View the presentation menu below for descriptions and if you don't see what you are looking for, we can create a specific presentation based on your needs.
View our Presentation Menu
Presentation Guidelines
- Require at least two weeks notice for a presentation request.
- Presentations must start no later than 9 p.m.
- Must have at least 5 participants to conduct a presentation.
- If you need to cancel your presentation, call 513-556-6124 or email with a 24 hour advance notice.
How to Request a Presentation
All requests for presentations must be made through our Presentation Request Form on GetInvolvedUC.